10 Parental Interruptions in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon

Parental pressures in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon: 10 major interruptions shaping children's futures.
10 Parental Interruptions In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) is a drama that sheds light on the pressures and expectations within South Korean society, especially focusing on the relationships between parents and their children in the educational setting of a hagwon, or private academy. The series vividly portrays various parenting styles and the impact these have on their children’s lives. Let’s dive into ten parental interruptions depicted in the drama that illustrate the complexities of these relationships.

The Search for the Best Academy

In The Midnight Romance in Hagwon, parents often worry about their children’s academic performance. They go to great lengths to find the best academy to support their child’s education. This intense concern stems from the belief that a top-tier hagwon will pave the way for academic success and a prestigious university admission. This aspect of the drama highlights the immense pressure placed on children to perform well academically from a young age.

Parents Are Very Worried If Their Child Does Not Follow The Lessons Well. Therefore, They Are Willing To Look For The Best Academy As Support

Rumor-Induced Transfers

When baseless rumors affect the reputation of an academy class, some parents in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon react by transferring their children to different schools, even if the child is comfortable and thriving. This interruption demonstrates how parents’ anxieties about their child’s future can lead to abrupt and disruptive decisions, sometimes disregarding the child’s own preferences and comfort.

When Parents Think That The Academy Class Is Affected By Baseless Rumors, They Will Force Their Child To Move Even Though They Are Comfortable With The Learning Atmosphere.

Emotional Overprotection

The drama also showcases how parents view their children’s mentality as fragile. For instance, Ha Yul’s mother (played by Kim Sun Hwa) is quick to intervene and seek solutions whenever a problem arises. This overprotectiveness can sometimes prevent children from developing resilience and problem-solving skills, as they are not given the opportunity to navigate challenges on their own.

Children'S Mentality Is Considered As A Glass That Is Easily Broken. When A Problem Occurs, Parents Will Actively Seek Solutions Like Ha Yul'S Mother (Kim Sun Hwa) Did.

Early Academic Pressure

Another significant theme in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon is the strong encouragement from parents for their children to study diligently from an early age. The aim is to achieve academic success and secure a spot in one of South Korea’s top universities. This intense focus on academic achievement can lead to immense stress for children, affecting their mental health and well-being.

Strongly Encourage The Child To Study Diligently As Early As Possible So That He Can Achieve Academic Success And Enter The Best Universities In South Korea.

Pushing for Specific Majors

Parents in the drama often push their children to pursue majors like exact sciences and economics, believing these fields offer better job prospects and higher salaries. This pressure can lead to children pursuing careers that may not align with their interests or passions, potentially leading to dissatisfaction and burnout later in life.

Not Stopping There, Parents Also Encourage Their Children To Choose Exact Sciences And Economics Majors Because It Will Be Easier To Get A Big Salary.

Avoiding Social Studies

Conversely, parents discourage their children from studying social sciences, fearing it will be harder to find high-paying jobs. This mindset reflects a broader societal preference for STEM fields over humanities, perpetuating a narrow definition of success.

Parents Think That Social Studies Will Make It Harder To Get Job Opportunities With Fantastic Salaries. They Are Worried About Their Child'S Future.

University Prestige

The drama highlights how parents believe that graduating from a prestigious university increases their child’s chances of working at leading companies. This belief drives parents to prioritize their child’s acceptance into well-known universities, often at the cost of the child’s personal interests and happiness.

Apart From That, It Is Easier For Children To Work In Leading Companies When They Successfully Graduate From A Well-Known University, You Know

Measuring Success by Children’s Achievements

Success for many parents in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon is measured by their child’s achievements. They take great pride in their child’s academic and career successes, viewing it as a reflection of their parenting skills. This can create a high-pressure environment for the child, who may feel obligated to meet their parents’ expectations.

This Success Is Proof That Parents Have Succeeded In Raising And Educating Their Child. They Will Be Very Proud Of That

Job Market Interventions

Parents in the drama are also depicted as actively involved in their child’s career decisions. When they feel their child’s career is stagnant, they seek information about other companies and suggest job interviews, sometimes overstepping boundaries and undermining their child’s autonomy.

When They Feel That Their Child'S Career Is Not Progressing, They Actively Seek Information From Other Companies And Suggest That Their Child Go For An Interview

Protective of Dating Choices

Lastly, the drama shows how parents can be overly protective of their child’s romantic relationships. They scrutinize their child’s partner’s background, ensuring it aligns with their expectations and standards. This protective stance can strain the parent-child relationship and impact the child’s romantic choices.

It Doesn'T Stop There, When The Child Decides To Date, The Parents Are Also Very Protective Of The Child'S Partner'S Background, You Know.

The Midnight Romance in Hagwon illustrates the myriad ways parental expectations and interventions shape the lives of their children. While these actions are often well-intentioned, they can lead to significant stress and pressure. The drama invites viewers to reflect on the balance between guiding and controlling, encouraging a more empathetic and understanding approach to parenting. Don’t forget to catch the last episode to see how these intricate relationships unfold!

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