What is the Reason Lee Jae Won Left Possessed Love?

Lee Jae Won's emotional journey and unexpected exit from Possessed Love revealed.
What Is The Reason Lee Jae Won Left Possessed Love?

The dating show Possessed Love (2024), which features shamans, tarot readers, and fortune tellers in South Korea, has been a fascinating watch for many. The show revolves around spiritual experts trying to find their soul mates, adding a unique twist to the typical dating show format. However, the ending of episode 3 left the audience puzzled and disappointed when Lee Jae Won decided to leave the Possession House. Why did he make this unexpected decision?

A Misunderstanding with the Black Rat

At the Possession Site before the first night, Lee Jae Won was confident that the Black Rat, the person he thought was best suited for him, was Ham Su Hyeon. This assumption was based on his interpretation of the water element in their snow. However, Ham Su Hyeon was actually the Red Rooster, while the Black Rat was Jo Han Na.

What Is The Reason Lee Jae Won Left Possessed Love?

Still Cut Dating Show Possessed Love (Doc. Viu/Possessed Love)

Despite this mix-up, Lee Jae Won remained steadfast in his belief that Ham Su Hyeon was the right match for him, even up to the third night. This unwavering choice set the stage for a significant emotional moment in the show.

The Turning Point: Third Night Disappointment

The real turning point came on the third night when the Black Rat, for the first time, did not choose Lee Jae Won. This choice shattered his belief that Ham Su Hyeon was his destined partner. The Black Rat, Jo Han Na, chose Lee Hong Jo instead.

What Is The Reason Lee Jae Won Left Possessed Love?

Still Cut Dating Show Possessed Love (Doc. Viu/Possessed Love) 

This rejection hit Lee Jae Won hard. He was seen crying in front of Heo Gu Bong and Park I Yul, expressing his disbelief and sorrow. According to his snow reading, his journey on Possessed Love was supposed to be smooth until the end. The events of the third night, however, made him question his path.

Lee Jae Won’s Departure

Three hours after the selection at the Possession Site, the show’s PD contacted Lee Hong Jo to inform him that Lee Jae Won had left the Possession House. The end of episode 3 featured Lee Jae Won asking the PD, “Director, can I leave?” This confirmed his departure from the show.

What Is The Reason Lee Jae Won Left Possessed Love?

Still Cut Dating Show Possessed Love (Doc. Viu/Possessed Love) 

Fellow cast members expressed their concern. Jo Yun A revealed, “Hong Jo received news from the production crew that Jae Won suddenly decided to leave the show.” Jo Han Na added, “He heard news that one of the cast members would not be returning.”

Lee Jae Won’s decision left a sense of worry among the other cast members. On the other hand, the audience hopes that Lee Jae Won’s decision is not final and he will appear in the next episode. Let’s wait and see!

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