The Transformation of Ko Won: 3 Positive Impacts of Knowing Im Sun in Miss Night and Day

Ko Won grows into a caring, mature person through his love for Im Sun.
The Transformation of Ko Won: 3 Positive Impacts of Knowing Im Sun in Miss Night and Day

Ko Won (played by Baek Seo Hoo) is a character that initially comes across as annoying in the TV drama Miss Night and Day. As a popular idol, he seems self-centered and disconnected from those around him. However, his character undergoes significant positive changes after falling in love with Im Sun (played by Lee Jung Eun). Here are the three most notable ways Ko Won’s character grows thanks to Im Sun.

Becoming More Sensitive and Caring

Ko Won paying attention to his surroundings

Miss Night and Day Stills (Doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

At the beginning of the drama, Ko Won is only concerned with his own needs and often ignores the people around him. When he starts working at the Seohan District Prosecutor’s Office, he initially keeps to himself, complaining and avoiding interaction. However, once he meets Im Sun, he begins to change. Ko Won starts paying attention to his coworkers and making an effort to connect with them. His true, soft-hearted nature begins to emerge, showing a side of him that is compassionate and considerate.

Overcoming Dependence on Sedatives

Ko Won dealing with anxiety

Miss Night and Day Stills (Doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Ko Won has a significant problem with anxiety, which leads him to rely heavily on sedatives. Whenever he feels uneasy, he turns to these drugs, even getting involved with dangerous people to obtain them. However, as he spends more time with Im Sun, his anxiety decreases. His focus shifts to helping and supporting her, which naturally diverts his attention from his own worries. This change helps Ko Won reduce his dependence on sedatives, showcasing his ability to find healthier ways to cope with stress.

Letting Go of Overthinking

Ko Won becoming more focused

Miss Night and Day Stills (Doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The trauma from a past attack left Ko Won in a constant state of panic, causing him to overthink and stress about every little thing. His sedative use was a way to manage this overwhelming anxiety. Yet, falling in love with Im Sun changes his perspective. He begins to prioritize her problems over his own, which helps him stop overthinking and focus on what truly matters. This shift not only helps him grow emotionally but also makes him more mature and responsible. His love for Im Sun drives him to protect and care for her, showing a newfound level of commitment and maturity.

In summary, Ko Won’s character transformation in Miss Night and Day is a testament to the power of love and personal growth. His journey from a self-centered idol to a caring and mature individual is heartwarming and inspiring. It’s clear that his relationship with Im Sun has a profoundly positive impact on his life, making him a better person overall.

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