The Ending of Missing Crown Prince: A Detailed Explanation

Delve into the heartfelt and intense finale of Missing Crown Prince. From revelations to resolutions, see how the story concludes for your favorite characters.
The Ending Of Missing Crown Prince: A Detailed Explanation

Missing Crown Prince concluded its 20-episode run on June 16, 2024. The Korean drama, featuring EXO’s Suho, Hong Ye Ji, and Kim Min Kyu, delivered a satisfying finale that wrapped up various storylines neatly. Here, we break down the key events of the final episode and reflect on how the story reached its conclusion.

Attention: This article contains spoilers.

The Truth Behind Choi Myung Yoon’s Mother’s Death

Choi Myung Yoon (Hong Ye Ji) finally learns the truth about her mother’s tragic death. After meeting her father’s mentor, Geo Woo (Kim Byung Ok), she discovers that her mother was killed by King Makzul’s men. This revelation adds a poignant layer to Choi Myung Yoon’s journey, as it explains much of her past suffering and motivations.

Explanation Of The Ending Of Drakor Missing Crown Prince

*Image Source: Stills From The Drama Missing Crown Prince (Doc. Mbn Via Viu/Missing Crown Prince) 

Previously, Choi Sang Rok (Kim Joo Hun) had taken Min Soo Ryeon (Myung Se Bin) to his home, unable to bear seeing her depressed state in the palace. When King Makzul’s men found them, they killed Min Soo Ryeon, mistaking her for someone else. This tragic mistake sets the stage for Choi Myung Yoon’s quest for justice.

Yi Gun’s Rise to Power and His Noble Deception

In a dramatic turn of events, King Haejong (Jeon Jin Oh) appoints Yi Gun (Suho) as king, intending to focus on his health. Yi Gun’s first act as king is to impeach Queen Yoon (Yoon Se Rye) for her past crimes, confining her to her residence.

Explanation Of The Ending Of Drakor Missing Crown Prince

*Image Source: Stills From The Drama Missing Crown Prince (Doc. Mbn Via Viu/Missing Crown Prince) 

Yi Gun then seemingly expels his younger brother, Dosung (Kim Min Kyu), from the palace. However, this is part of Yi Gun’s strategy to gather information on the traitors Choi Sang Rok and Yoon Yi Gyeom (Cha Kwang Soo). When Dosung joins his grandfather, Yoon Yi Gyeom, in a coup attempt, Yi Gun’s plan comes to fruition. Dosung poisons the conspirators’ drink, allowing Yi Gun and his guards to arrest them.

After these events, Yi Gun steps down, allowing Dosung to take the throne despite initial resistance from the court officials. This move solidifies the brothers’ bond and stabilizes the kingdom.

Tragic Losses and New Beginnings

The finale also sees heartbreaking moments, such as the deaths of Choi Sang Rok and Min Soo Ryeon. Choi Sang Rok sacrifices himself in a fight to protect Min Soo Ryeon, ultimately succumbing to his injuries. Min Soo Ryeon, after giving birth, seeks reconciliation with Yi Gun but passes away soon after. These deaths add emotional depth to the narrative, underscoring the heavy costs of the characters’ struggles.

Explanation Of The Ending Of Drakor Missing Crown Prince

*Image Source: Stills From The Drama Missing Crown Prince (Doc. Mbn Via Viu/Missing Crown Prince)

Justice Served for Yoon Yi Gyeom and His Accomplices

Yoon Yi Gyeom and his loyal followers face severe punishment for their treasonous actions. They are beheaded, their heads displayed as a warning to others. This harsh justice marks the end of their rebellion and brings a sense of closure to their storyline.

Explanation Of The Ending Of Drakor Missing Crown Prince

*Image Source: Stills From The Drama Missing Crown Prince (Doc. Mbn Via Viu/Missing Crown Prince) 

A Happier Future for the Good Characters

Despite the tragedies, Missing Crown Prince ends on a hopeful note for its virtuous characters. Choi Myung Yoon opens her clinic with the king’s blessing, Yi Gun marries her, and they live happily together with their son. Yi Gun becomes a royal inspector, dedicated to rooting out corruption, with the support of his friends and family. This ending reaffirms the drama’s message that good ultimately prevails.

Explanation Of The Ending Of Drakor Missing Crown Prince

*Image Source: Stills From The Drama Missing Crown Prince (Doc. Mbn Via Viu/Missing Crown Prince) 

In conclusion, Missing Crown Prince delivers a compelling and satisfying ending that ties up its many storylines. The characters’ fates align with their actions, providing a sense of justice and resolution. For those who followed the series, this conclusion offers both closure and a celebration of the characters’ growth and perseverance. What are your thoughts on the ending of Missing Crown Prince? Did it meet your expectations, or is there something more you hoped to see?

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