Park Yeong Han, portrayed by Lee Je Hoon, features prominently in the MBC Korean drama Chief Detective 1958. He serves as a police detective in Hwangchun, Gyeonggi-dong, where he has a track record of successfully apprehending cattle thieves.
Owing to his diligence, Park Yeong Han receives a transfer to Seoul’s Investigation Unit One, led by Yoo Dae Cheon, played by Choi Duk Moon. His first day in this new role brings forth a series of experiences. Here’s a glimpse into Park Yeong Han’s initial impressions upon assuming his duties as a police officer in inner Seoul in Chief Detective 1958.
1. Impressed by the Spacious Office and Desk
While stationed in Hwangchun, Park Yeong Han worked in a modest police station with relatively small desks. Upon arrival in Seoul, he is awestruck by the grandeur of the police station building and the vastness of his new office space. The desk provided for his work dwarfs the one he had in his previous posting, offering ample room for writing utensils and case files.
2. Observing Colleagues Working in Teams
In Hwangchun Village, desks in the police station are arranged facing each other to foster interaction among colleagues. However, in Seoul, Park Yeong Han notices a different setup. Colleagues are organized into distinct groups, limiting interactions and discussions to within each group. Additionally, some individuals sit with their backs turned to others, creating a less interactive environment.
3. Encountering a Superior Defending Criminals
Assigned to handle the Dongdaemun gang upon his arrival at Seoul Jongnam Police Station, Park Yeong Han faces a challenging situation. Despite apprehending the gang leader responsible for assaulting an elderly man, Senior Inspector Choi Dal Sik orders the suspect’s release. Park Yeong Han learns that Choi Dal Sik has been bribed by Lee Jung Jae, the gang’s main leader, leading to the defense of the criminals over lawful action. This incident starkly contrasts with Park Yeong Han’s previous experiences in Hwangchun, where his colleagues shared his commitment to upholding justice.
4. Confronting Unethical Behavior Among Colleagues
Park Yeong Han’s integration into his new workplace is further complicated by encounters with colleagues lacking in ethics. Hwang Soo Man, from Unit Two, greets him with ridicule, dubbing him “Mr. Cow Thief” and mocking his rural origins. Despite this, Park Yeong Han maintains his composure and responds gracefully to the taunts.
As Park Yeong Han navigates these challenges, viewers are left wondering whether he will persevere in upholding the law despite facing various obstacles. To find out, stay tuned for future episodes of Chief Detective 1958, available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.