Ga Yeong’s Tireless Efforts to Bring Mi Jin and Ji Ung Closer in Miss Night and Day

Ga Yeong's creative matchmaking efforts in Miss Night and Day bring Mi Jin and Ji Ung closer.
Ga Yeong’s Tireless Efforts to Bring Mi Jin and Ji Ung Closer in Miss Night and Day

Since their first encounter through a labor broker fraud case, Lee Mi Jin (played by Jung Eun Ji) and Gye Ji Ung (portrayed by Choi Jin Hyuk) have frequently found themselves together in dangerous situations at work. Thanks to Gye Ji Ung’s help during these moments, Lee Mi Jin starts to develop feelings for him. Her best friend, Do Ga Yeong (played by Kim A Young), fully supports these budding feelings and makes various attempts to bring the two closer. Let’s dive into Ga Yeong’s playful and determined efforts!

1. Crafty Vacation Plans

During a vacation that Lee Mi Jin and Do Ga Yeong were enjoying together, Ga Yeong took the opportunity to use Mi Jin’s phone to arrange a meeting with Gye Ji Ung. By doing so, she created a perfect setting for the two to spend more time together, away from the usual work-related chaos.

Ga Yeong uses Mi Jin's phone to contact Ji Ung

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

2. Hints and Suggestions

Ga Yeong’s matchmaking efforts didn’t stop there. When Gye Ji Ung visited her apartment looking for Mi Jin, Ga Yeong subtly hinted that her best friend was interested in him. This gentle nudge helped plant the idea in Ji Ung’s mind, making him more aware of Mi Jin’s feelings.

Ga Yeong hints at Mi Jin's feelings

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

3. Creating Alone Time

Ga Yeong’s strategy also included giving Mi Jin and Ji Ung some alone time. When they bumped into Ji Ung at a convenience store, Ga Yeong quickly excused herself, leaving Mi Jin and Ji Ung to chat without her presence. This move allowed the pair to connect on a more personal level, free from distractions.

Ga Yeong creates alone time for Mi Jin and Ji Ung

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

4. Drunken Antics

Another memorable effort was during a dinner outing. After the meal, Ga Yeong pretended to be very drunk and started acting up. This forced Mi Jin and Ji Ung to take care of her together, creating a situation where they had to work as a team and grow closer in the process.

Ga Yeong acts drunk to bring Mi Jin and Ji Ung closer

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

5. Clearing Misunderstandings

To clear up any misunderstandings between Mi Jin and Ji Ung, Ga Yeong invited Ji Ung to her house to talk about Mi Jin. This open conversation helped Ji Ung understand Mi Jin’s true feelings and motivations, bringing them one step closer to each other.

Ga Yeong clears misunderstandings between Mi Jin and Ji Ung

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

6. Provoking Jealousy

Ga Yeong didn’t shy away from using a bit of provocation to stir things up. While with Ko Won, she turned on the loudspeaker when Mi Jin called, making sure Ji Ung could hear. This clever move subtly highlighted Mi Jin’s interest, sparking a bit of jealousy and prompting Ji Ung to think more about his feelings for Mi Jin.

Ga Yeong provokes Ji Ung's jealousy

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

7. Encouraging Care

Lastly, when Ji Ung fell sick, Ga Yeong convinced a hesitant Mi Jin to bring food to his house. This gesture of care and concern helped to break down any remaining barriers, showing Ji Ung that Mi Jin was willing to go out of her way for him.

Ga Yeong convinces Mi Jin to bring food to Ji Ung

Still from drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Although not all of Ga Yeong’s plans go off without a hitch, her dedication to helping her friend is evident. Ga Yeong’s efforts highlight her deep concern and support for Mi Jin, making their friendship a central theme in Miss Night and Day. Stay tuned to see how this friendship and budding romance evolve!

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