8 Sweet Gestures of Gye Ji Ung Towards Lee Mi Jin in Miss Night and Day

Gye Ji Ung's sweet gestures toward Lee Mi Jin in Miss Night and Day will melt your heart.
8 Sweet Gestures of Gye Ji Ung Towards Lee Mi Jin in Miss Night and Day

Gye Ji Ung (Choi Jin Hyuk) from the popular drama Miss Night and Day is known as a competent, workaholic prosecutor. However, since falling in love with Lee Mi Jin, he has revealed a much softer and sweeter side. Let’s take a look at the heartwarming gestures Gye Ji Ung shows to Lee Mi Jin now that they’re officially a couple.

Opening the Car Door with Care

Gye Ji Ung opening the car door for Lee Mi Jin

Footage of the drama Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

One of the first sweet gestures Gye Ji Ung shows is when he quickly opens the car door for Lee Mi Jin and protects her head from hitting it. This small yet considerate action showcases his attentiveness and care for her safety.

Accompanying Her Home

Gye Ji Ung accompanying Lee Mi Jin

Footage of the drama Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama) 

Despite his busy schedule, Gye Ji Ung finds time to visit Lee Mi Jin when she’s working overtime. He even accompanies her to the front of her office, ensuring she feels supported and safe, even for just a short distance.

Holding Hands and Hugs

Gye Ji Ung holding Lee Mi Jin's hand

Excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Whenever they walk together, Gye Ji Ung holds Lee Mi Jin’s hand and always gives her a hug before they part. This consistent physical affection highlights the deep bond and comfort they share.

Promising Protection

Gye Ji Ung promising to protect Lee Mi Jin

Footage of the drama Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama/) 

Gye Ji Ung often reassures Lee Mi Jin about her safety, asking her to trust him because he has promised to protect her. This promise reinforces his role as a dependable and protective partner.

Patiently Waiting for Her

Gye Ji Ung patiently waiting for Lee Mi Jin

Footage of the drama Miss Night and Day (instagram.com/jtbcdrama/) 

Understanding that Lee Mi Jin has personal reasons she can’t yet share, Gye Ji Ung shows patience and is willing to wait until she feels ready to open up to him. His patience and understanding deepen their emotional connection.

Making Time for Love

Gye Ji Ung visiting Lee Mi Jin

Excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Even with a hectic work life, Gye Ji Ung makes an effort to visit Lee Mi Jin at her residence. His dedication to making time for her despite his busy schedule demonstrates his commitment to their relationship.

Sweet Talk from a Serious Man

Gye Ji Ung sweet talking Lee Mi Jin

Excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Though he’s often labeled as cold, Gye Ji Ung surprises everyone with his sweet talk, admitting that he can’t sleep without meeting Lee Mi Jin. His candid expressions of love reveal his softer side.

Thoughtful Dining Gestures

Gye Ji Ung cutting steak for Lee Mi Jin

Excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

During dinner, Gye Ji Ung thoughtfully cuts steak for Lee Mi Jin and even swaps her steak with his. This gesture shows his desire to take care of her in every possible way, no matter how small.

Who would have thought that Gye Ji Ung, who once seemed so stiff, would now smile so often? His relationship with Lee Mi Jin has clearly brought a positive change in his life. These sweet moments in Miss Night and Day not only highlight the romance between the characters but also add a heartwarming touch to the show. Did you find yourself smiling at these romantic gestures too?

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