7 Worries of the Lee Family in Miss Night and Day: Will Mi Jin Ever Get Married?

Follow the Lee family's emotional journey as they face seven major worries in Miss Night and Day.
7 Worries of the Lee Family in Miss Night and Day: Will Mi Jin Ever Get Married?

In the popular drama Miss Night and Day, Lee Mi Jin (played by Jung Eun Ji) is the cherished only child of Lee Hak Chan (Jung Suk Yong) and Lim Chung (Jung Young Joo). Despite living a simple life, Mi Jin is surrounded by the love and affection of her parents. However, this doesn’t mean the Lee family is free from concerns. Let’s explore the seven major worries that weigh on their minds.

Mi Jin’s Stubborn Nature and Career Aspirations

Lim Chung, Mi Jin’s mother, is particularly worried about her daughter’s stubborn determination. Mi Jin is on her eighth attempt to pass the civil service exam, and Lim Chung fears that if she continues to fail, Mi Jin might still be attempting it at the age of 40. This stubborn streak makes Lim Chung anxious about Mi Jin’s future and well-being.

Mi Jin Studying

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

Mi Jin’s relentless pursuit of her career goals is admirable, but it’s easy to see why her mother is concerned. The pressure and potential for repeated failure can take a toll on anyone, and the worry that this path may lead to prolonged stress and disappointment is understandable.

Fear of Mi Jin Becoming an Old Spinster

Mi Jin’s parents are also concerned about her lack of romantic experience. Lim Chung worries that Mi Jin will remain single forever, dedicating her life solely to taking care of her parents. This fear is rooted in the cultural importance of marriage and the desire for Mi Jin to experience the joys of a family of her own.

Mi Jin with Parents

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The fear of Mi Jin becoming an old spinster is a common trope in dramas, but it highlights a significant societal pressure. While Mi Jin’s devotion to her parents is commendable, her personal happiness and fulfillment are equally important.

Social Status Differences with Gye Ji Ung

Another significant worry for the Lee family is the difference in social status between Mi Jin and Gye Ji Ung (Choi Jin Hyuk). Lee Hak Chan, Mi Jin’s father, is particularly concerned that this disparity will lead to Mi Jin getting hurt. The fear of societal judgment and potential heartache looms large over their heads.

Mi Jin and Gye Ji Ung

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The theme of social status differences adds depth to the drama, reflecting real-life challenges. It’s a poignant reminder of how love and relationships often have to navigate societal expectations and prejudices.

Lingering Thoughts About Her Missing Aunt

Mi Jin cannot shake off thoughts about her aunt, who disappeared many years ago. Despite Lim Chung’s acceptance of her sister’s fate, Mi Jin is constantly haunted by the mystery surrounding her aunt’s disappearance. This unresolved issue adds to the family’s collective anxiety.

Mi Jin Worried

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The subplot of the missing aunt adds a layer of mystery and unresolved tension to the narrative. It’s intriguing and keeps viewers invested in uncovering the truth alongside Mi Jin.

Mi Jin’s Double Life as Im Sun

Living a double life by assuming her aunt’s identity as Im Sun, Mi Jin is always on edge, worried that her secret will be discovered. This constant fear of exposure and the potential consequences weigh heavily on her.

Mi Jin as Im Sun

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The double life trope is a classic in dramas, creating suspense and emotional conflict. Mi Jin’s fear of being discovered adds a thrilling edge to her character’s journey.

Stress from Leading Two Lives

The stress of maintaining two identities is taking a toll on Mi Jin. She fears that this constant juggling act will leave her too exhausted to ever consider marriage. The psychological strain of living two lives is palpable, adding to her worries about the future.

Mi Jin Stressed

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

This aspect of Mi Jin’s story is a powerful commentary on the mental health impacts of living a lie. It’s a sobering reminder of the importance of authenticity and the heavy burden of secrets.

Health Concerns and Fear of a Short Life

Lastly, Mi Jin is plagued by health concerns, believing that a curse has affected her physical condition. She worries that her declining health will shorten her life, adding a grim layer of fear to her already heavy burdens.

Mi Jin in Pain

still cut drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day) 

The introduction of health concerns brings a dramatic sense of urgency and mortality to the story. It’s a stark reminder of how deeply personal and existential fears can impact one’s outlook on life.


Miss Night and Day beautifully weaves together the worries and hopes of the Lee family, creating a rich tapestry of emotions and challenges. As we follow Lee Mi Jin’s journey, these worries keep us invested in her story, rooting for her to overcome the obstacles in her path. Keep watching to see how Mi Jin navigates her way through these trials, and whether the Lee family’s fears will be put to rest.

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