MBC recently debuted a Korean drama titled Chief Detective 1958. This show, also available on Disney+ Hotstar, follows the adventures of a detective named Park Yeong Han (played by Lee Je Hoon). Park Yeong Han is a young detective stationed at the Hwangchun Police Station in Gyeonggi-dong.
During his tenure, Park Yeong Han achieved remarkable success by apprehending cattle thieves on 96 occasions. Cattle are a vital source of income for the residents of Hwangchun. Theft of these animals can significantly impact those without stable employment, making it difficult for them to meet their basic needs.
Park Yeong Han’s accomplishments led to his transfer to the Seoul Jongnam Police Station Investigation Division Unit 1. Along the way, he acquired various nicknames, ranging from flattering to unflattering. So, what are Park Yeong Han’s nicknames according to his colleagues? Let’s find out below!
1. Angel of Death
Park Yeong Han earned the moniker “Angel of Death” during his time in Hwangchun Village. This nickname was well-known even among police circles in Seoul. He earned it because criminals froze in their tracks upon encountering him. Park Yeong Han’s sharp eyes could detect criminal activity, even if conducted discreetly. His physical prowess was also formidable, allowing him to take on multiple adversaries single-handedly.
2. The Brewery Owner
Park Yeong Han’s father owns the Bulam brewery, leading his colleagues to dub him “The Brewery Owner.” However, this nickname was mostly used in Hwangchun. Despite his family’s ownership of the brewery, Park Yeong Han remained humble, insisting that the business belonged to his father and that he had no involvement in its management.
3. Mr. Cow Thief
On his first day at work, Park Yeong Han was greeted by Han Soo Man, a colleague from the Violence Division Unit 2, who sarcastically referred to him as “Mr. Cow Thief.” This nickname stemmed from Park Yeong Han’s impressive feat of capturing cattle thieves 96 times. However, Han Soo Man dismissed it as more of a joke than an achievement, prompting Park Yeong Han to clarify that he was apprehending thieves, not engaging in theft himself.
4. Village Children
Despite his efforts to befriend Han Soo Man, Park Yeong Han faced ridicule, with Han Soo Man mocking him as the “Village Boy” due to his modest upbringing in Hwangchun. Han Soo Man suggested that Park Yeong Han improve his appearance once he received his salary, implying that he looked out of place compared to the urban sophistication of Seoul.
5. Liu Bei
Park Yeong Han’s team within the Investigation Division Unit 1 was dubbed “The Story of Three Kingdoms” by their leader, Yu Dae Cheon, with Park Yeong Han himself being likened to Liu Bei. Yu Dae Cheon admired Park Yeong Han’s humility and perseverance in striving for peace.
6. Crazy People
During a confrontation with the Dongdaemun gang, Park Yeong Han used a sack filled with 100 snakes to intimidate them. His unconventional tactics earned him the label of a “Crazy Person” from Kim Sang Sun and Lee Hye Ju. This incident showcased Park Yeong Han’s willingness to think outside the box to tackle challenges.
With just two episodes aired, Park Yeong Han has already amassed six nicknames. It’s likely that more will emerge in future episodes. Stay tuned for the next installment of Chief Detective 1958!