The drama Blood Free concluded its run on May 8, 2024, with a total of 10 episodes. This Korean series, which aired on Disney Plus, is based on the webtoon titled Dominant Species. Initially, the show generated significant buzz among K-drama fans due to its star-studded cast, including Han Hyo Joo, Joo Ji Hoon, Lee Mu Saeng, and Lee Hee Jun. However, as the episodes were released, viewers found several aspects of the series disappointing and confusing. Here are five reasons why Blood Free failed to meet expectations despite its promising cast.
The Title and Storyline Do Not Match
Blood Free centers around a company that cultivates artificial meat and organs, aiming to eliminate the need for animal slaughter. However, rather than delving into the fascinating concept of meat cultivation or the ethical implications of artificial organs, the show shifts focus to a terrorist plot. This storyline revolves around the Azoran bombing, where a company president loses his legs, and many lives are lost.
Throughout the series, there are brief mentions of protests against meat cultivation, but these scenes lack depth and follow-through. Seono Geun (Eum Yo Seop) initially wants to buy the company out of greed for eternal life, yet this subplot is abandoned without resolution. Instead, the narrative predominantly follows the investigation into the terrorist attack, sidelining the more intriguing aspects of the premise.
Repeated Mistakes and Security Failures
In the early episodes, Blood Free faces a significant issue when its system is hacked, causing a major data breach. This incident leads Yun Jayu (Han Hyo Joo) to trust bodyguard Woo Chae Woon (Joo Ji Hoon), who discovers clues about the mastermind behind the attack. Despite hiring more technology experts to prevent future breaches, the company falls victim to another hack later in the series. This second attack occurs during a critical operation, endangering lives.
The repetition of such a crucial mistake by a supposedly advanced company strains believability. How could a major corporation fail to learn from its earlier error and secure its systems against further attacks?
Lack of Clear Goals and Direction
Despite its title, Blood Free lacks a clear purpose. Initially, Yun Jayu’s goal is to use the company’s technology to revive his twin brother, who is kept in a secret room within the facility. However, this storyline fizzles out as Jayu meets an untimely end in an accident.
Meanwhile, Woo Chae Woon, instead of focusing on protecting the company, becomes engrossed in the hunt for terrorists. Oddly, it is a military man who eventually accomplishes this mission. Additionally, Jayu’s efforts to change public perception of cultivated meat and organs fail, as he dies before achieving any meaningful progress.
Implausible Scenes
Although Blood Free is a science fiction drama, several scenes stretch the limits of plausibility. One particularly jarring moment involves Prime Minister Seonu Jae (Lee Hee Jun) ordering a police raid on the company due to a controversy over free organ surgery trials. The police storm the facility, causing destruction and chaos, and even fire their rifles indiscriminately. This behavior is highly uncharacteristic of state officials.
During the raid, Yun Jayu lies on an operating table with his abdomen open. The police refuse to let the doctors continue the surgery, endangering Jayu’s life. Although On San (Lee Mu Saeng) ultimately saves Jayu, the scene leaves viewers frustrated and incredulous at the authorities’ actions.
A Cliffhanger Ending
The series concludes with several unresolved issues. Yun Jayu’s goals remain unfulfilled as he succumbs to an accident. In the final scene, Woo Chae Woon’s body appears, accompanied by Jayu’s voice. This suggests that Jayu’s organs might have been transplanted into Chae Woon’s body, allowing Jayu to continue his work. However, this theory is left open to interpretation.
Additionally, the fate of Seonu Geun, revealed to be behind the Azoran bombing, is not clearly addressed. The ambiguous ending leaves viewers with more questions than answers, detracting from the overall satisfaction of the series.
While Blood Free had the potential to be a compelling drama with its star cast and unique premise, its execution fell short. The mismatched title and storyline, repeated security failures, lack of clear goals, implausible scenes, and a cliffhanger ending all contributed to its lackluster reception. Despite its flaws, some viewers may still find elements of the show worth watching, but for many, it did not live up to the initial hype.