Yoon Chae Won, played by Bae Yoon Kyung, portrays a melancholic character in the Korean drama “Wedding Impossible.” Despite being depicted as affluent and warm-hearted, he doesn’t end up with his crush, Lee Ji Han (Moon Sang Min). However, he finds solace in another man who eventually becomes his soulmate.
Yoon Chae Won’s allure, including his looks, family background, and personality, makes him a favorite among men. Despite heartbreak, he swiftly moves on and encounters other admirers. Who are these male characters who developed feelings for the CEO of Taeyang Products?
1. Lee Ji Han
Yoon Chae Won falls for Lee Ji Han and pursues him, but Lee Ji Han’s affections lie with Na A Jung (Jeon Jong Seo). Nevertheless, it’s revealed that Lee Ji Han had a crush on Yoon Chae Won in their youth, making him his first love.
2. Bin Tae Hwan
Bin Tae Hwan (Kim Bum) appears in episode 12 as one of Yoon Chae Won’s blind date prospects. He’s a director at TY Construction. Despite initial reservations, Yoon Chae Won recognizes Bin Tae Hwan’s sincerity, leading to them starting a relationship.
Prior to their blind date, Bin Tae Hwan harbored a secret admiration for Yoon Chae Won. He attended her first wedding as a guest of the groom and actively sought to connect with her after her divorce.
3. Blind Date in Episode 4
A year before meeting Bin Tae Hwan, Yoon Chae Won went on a blind date with a character portrayed by Jung Kyung Ho. Making a brief appearance in episode 4, this character appears smitten with Yoon Chae Won. However, his impolite and pushy demeanor puts Yoon Chae Won off.
Jung Kyung Ho’s cameo is intriguing because he and Bae Yoon Kyung were co-stars in “Crash Course in Romance” (2023). In that drama, Bae Yoon Kyung cameoed as a character seeking a blind date with Jung Kyung Ho, but the affection was one-sided.
Yoon Chae Won’s intelligence, kindness, and grounded nature make him irresistible in “Wedding Impossible.” It’s no wonder many men fall for him. Despite experiencing setbacks in love twice, he eventually finds a happy ending with someone who truly loves him.