10 Realities of the Working World in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon

Understand the workplace dynamics showcased in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon.
10 Realities Of The Working World In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) delves deep into the academic life in South Korea, offering a unique lens on the challenges faced by both teachers and students. Beyond the classroom walls, the drama highlights the fierce competition between academies, with a special focus on the Korean language class led by Seo Hye Jin (Jung Ryeo Won). As the show progresses, it reveals many realities of the working world that resonate with real-life experiences.

Are you curious about the work realities that workers often face in the real world? Let’s dive into the key themes explored in this gripping drama.

The Competitive Edge: Survival of the Fittest

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon (X.com/Cjndrama) 

One of the stark realities depicted in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon is how workers will go to great lengths to secure benefits, even if it means undermining others. This is vividly shown through the character of Seo Hye Jin, whose class is always full of eager students. While her success boosts the academy’s reputation, it also creates tension among colleagues who feel threatened by her achievements. In real life, this cutthroat competition can be seen in many workplaces where employees vie for promotions and recognition, sometimes at the expense of teamwork and camaraderie.

The Golden Child Dilemma

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon (X.com/Cjndrama) 

Seo Hye Jin’s rapid rise to success paints her as the “golden child” of the academy. However, the drama smartly illustrates that being the star employee isn’t always a blessing. Despite her contributions, Seo Hye Jin faces immense pressure and unrealistic expectations from the higher-ups. This mirrors the real-world scenario where top performers often find themselves burdened with added responsibilities and scrutiny, sometimes leading to burnout.

Power Dynamics and Professional Jealousy

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon (X.com/Cjndrama)

Another critical aspect explored in the drama is the complex power dynamics within the academy. Seo Hye Jin’s influence begins to overshadow that of the academy officials, causing friction and jealousy. This reflects a common workplace issue where talented employees may inadvertently challenge the authority of their superiors, leading to power struggles and a toxic work environment.

The Perils of Favoritism

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon (X.com/Cjndrama) 

Favoritism is another significant theme in The Midnight Romance in Hagwon. Seo Hye Jin’s favorable contract and the special treatment she receives from the academy highlight how favoritism can lead to resentment among colleagues. This issue is not just fictional; in many workplaces, favoritism can demotivate employees and harm team dynamics.

Jealousy and Rumor-Mongering

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon

Jung Ryeo Won In The Midnight Romance In Hagwon (X.com/Cjndrama) 

The drama also shows how jealousy can breed rumors and misinformation. Seo Hye Jin becomes the target of baseless rumors, a tactic used by others to discredit her success. This element of the story underscores how destructive jealousy and gossip can be in a professional setting, affecting not just the individual but the entire work environment.


The Midnight Romance in Hagwon offers a poignant look at the multifaceted realities of the working world, through the lens of South Korea’s competitive academic environment. The drama highlights issues such as cutthroat competition, power dynamics, favoritism, and the impact of rumors. These themes resonate with real-world experiences, making the show both entertaining and thought-provoking.

As we follow Seo Hye Jin’s journey, we are reminded of the complexities and challenges that come with professional success. Don’t miss the final episodes of The Midnight Romance in Hagwon to see how these dynamics play out!

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