Why Zhou Quan Was Fired: The Inside Story

Zhou Quan's firing was due to office politics and betrayal.
Why Zhou Quan Was Fired: The Inside Story

In the recent episodes of As Husband as Wife, viewers witnessed the shocking dismissal of Zhou Quan from his company. Despite his dedication and hard work, Zhou Quan found himself targeted by new management and betrayed by a colleague. This article delves into the reasons behind Zhou Quan’s firing, highlighting the challenges he faced and the dynamics at play within his workplace.

The Arrival of New Management

Zhou Quan was a key technical expert at his company, known for his diligence and good relationships with colleagues. However, the arrival of a new senior manager, Mr. Lü, changed the office atmosphere dramatically. From the outset, Mr. Lü made his presence felt by imposing strict rules, such as banning employees from bringing breakfast to the office. He frequently held project meetings where he talked at length about his leadership philosophy, often disregarding professional input from his team.

Mr. Lü’s leadership style included enforcing long hours, with employees often working overtime under the threat of being singled out if they voiced dissent. Despite the growing discontent, few dared to speak up. Zhou Quan, however, chose to confront Mr. Lü directly about these unreasonable demands, but his protests fell on deaf ears.

Betrayal and Unfair Dismissal

The situation worsened when Zhou Quan had to take a five-day leave to attend to family matters, leaving his project in the hands of his colleague, Xiao Ding. Upon his return, Zhou Quan was shocked to find that Xiao Ding had taken credit for his work, even leading the project analysis meeting. Confronting both Mr. Lü and Xiao Ding, Zhou Quan learned that Xiao Ding had informed management about his leave and subsequently usurped his role.

Feeling betrayed, Zhou Quan sought justice but was met with arrogance and condescension from Xiao Ding. Despite his frustration, Zhou Quan continued to work under these strained circumstances until he was called into the office by his senior colleague, Lao Yang. To his dismay, Lao Yang informed Zhou Quan of his termination. As he packed his belongings, Xiao Ding continued to taunt him, adding insult to injury.


Zhou Quan’s experience is a stark reminder of the toxic environments that can develop under poor leadership and the impact of office politics. Despite his expertise and dedication, he became a casualty of a power struggle and unethical behavior from a colleague. This episode of As Husband as Wife not only sheds light on Zhou Quan’s plight but also serves as a commentary on workplace dynamics and the importance of standing up against unfair treatment.

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