In the Korean drama Blood Free, the spotlight shines on Yun Ja Yu (played by Han Hyo Joo), the CEO of the biotech company BF. His groundbreaking work involves creating cultured or engineered meat, aiming to reduce reliance on animal protein and benefit the environment.
However, Yun Ja Yu’s innovative efforts attract opposition and even death threats from various quarters. From government entities to ordinary citizens, business rivals, and even insiders at BF, here are seven reasons why Yun Ja Yu becomes a target in Blood Free.
Warning: This article contains spoilers.
1. Innovation in Engineered Meat
Yun Ja Yu’s success in developing engineered meat marks a significant milestone. He then sets his sights on revolutionizing grain and food crop cultivation, which could impact traditional farming industries.
2. Job Displacement
The business innovations led by Yun Ja Yu and BF result in job losses for sectors like livestock breeding and farming, raising concerns about economic repercussions.
3. Lack of Response to Protests
Despite public demonstrations, Yun Ja Yu remains unresponsive to grievances aired by protesters, leading to frustration among dissenters.
4. Government Relations
Yun Ja Yu’s approach complicates government efforts to address protester demands for compensation, as BF reaps profits while facing public backlash.
5. Market Monopoly
BF’s dominance in the cultivated meat market, coupled with the secrecy surrounding cultivation fluid ingredients, stifles competition and raises suspicions of monopolistic practices.
6. Profit Maximization
BF’s soaring profits make it an attractive target for takeover bids, fueling speculation among competitors and BF insiders alike.
7. Allegations of Sabotage
Yun Ja Yu faces accusations of orchestrating a bombing incident targeting the former president, stemming from opposition to BF’s business ventures.
These challenges culminate in death threats, direct attacks, and ransom demands from hackers, amplifying the pressure on Yun Ja Yu and his associates. The relentless trials faced by Yun Ja Yu in Blood Free raise questions about the future of his innovative pursuits. Will he persevere despite the adversities?
The saga of Yun Ja Yu’s business endeavors in Blood Free unfolds with gripping intensity, inviting audiences to ponder the complexities of innovation, power struggles, and ethical dilemmas.