The recent episode of “The Impossible Heir,” aired on Wednesday (3/4/2024), left viewers in shock. The storyline revolves around three colleagues, Han Tae Oh (played by Lee Jae Wook), Kang In Ha (played by Lee Jun Young), and Na Hye Won (played by Hong Suzu), vying for the top position in the Kangoh Group.
As the plot unfolds, Kang In Ha undergoes a drastic transformation, resorting to violence and even murder to fulfill his ambitions, particularly targeting Han Tae Oh. However, his plans are thwarted when he’s apprehended by the authorities just moments before assuming control of the Kangoh Group.
Kang In Ha receives a life sentence, but the audience is left reeling when he takes his own life while in custody. What drove Kang In Ha to such a tragic end? Let’s delve into the reasons below, but beware of spoilers.
1. Lack of Fatherly Recognition
Kang In Ha’s initial ambition upon joining the Kangoh Group was to gain acknowledgment from his father, Kang Joong Mo (portrayed by Choi Jin Ho). Despite being his biological son from an extramarital affair, Kang In Ha spent years seeking validation from his father, who favored Han Tae Oh instead. This rejection culminated in Kang Joong Mo disowning him, symbolized by the removal of the Kang surname. This abandonment by his father was a crushing blow to Kang In Ha, driving him to take his own life.
2. Loss of Purpose
Kang In Ha’s life revolved around gaining his father’s approval, akin to a lost child seeking direction after losing his mother. His alliance with Han Tae Oh stemmed from their shared goals for the Kangoh Group, with Kang In Ha even willing to be manipulated by his supposed friend. However, with his father’s disownment, Kang In Ha’s sense of purpose evaporated. The life sentence handed down by the judge was accepted with resignation, signaling his resignation from life.
3. Overwhelming Disappointment
Beyond paternal recognition, Kang In Ha’s ultimate aspiration was to lead the Kangoh Group and be revered by all. Despite resorting to nefarious means, he believed his actions were justified by his ambition. However, his dreams were shattered when Han Tae Oh exposed his misdeeds, leading to betrayal by his accomplices. This betrayal, coupled with his failure to seize control of the company, plunged Kang In Ha into despair, leaving him disillusioned with life itself.
Kang In Ha’s tragic demise serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of unchecked ambition and the importance of seeking help in times of despair.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to mental health professionals or support hotlines for assistance.