Who is Kang In Han, the Student Who Died in Hierarchy?

Hierarchy on Netflix follows Kang In Han, a scholarship student whose mysterious death shakes Jooshin High. Uncover the twists and secrets that led to this tragedy.
Who Is Kang In Han, The Student Who Died In Hierarchy?

Hierarchy premiered on Netflix on June 7, 2024. This Korean drama revolves around a new student who disrupts the order at Jooshin High School, a school dominated by the children of wealthy families known as chaebol. Right from the first episode, Kang In Han emerges as a central figure, entangled in the mysteries and troubles of the school. Let’s dive deeper into who Kang In Han is and unravel the circumstances surrounding his tragic death.

The Mysterious Scholarship Student

Kang In Han Running In Fear Still cut from Korean drama Hierarchy (doc. Netflix/Hierarchy)

Kang In Han, portrayed by Kim Min Chul, is introduced in the very first moments of Hierarchy. The opening scene shows him running in fear, only to be hit by a car in the following scene. This incident sets the stage for the drama’s central mystery.

Kang In Han is a scholarship student at Jooshin High School, a prestigious institution where most students come from wealthy backgrounds. In his class, 2-2, he interacts with key characters such as Kim Ri An (Kim Jae Won), Jung Jae I (Roh Jeong Eui), Lee Woo Jin (Lee Won Jung), and Yoon Hee Ra (Ji Hye Won). His status as a scholarship student already makes him an outsider in this elite environment, creating a natural tension that the drama explores.

Kang In Han’s Twin Connection

Kang In Han And Kang Ha'S Twin Connection Still cut from Korean drama Hierarchy (doc. Netflix/Hierarchy)

One of the most intriguing revelations in Hierarchy is the discovery that Kang In Han has a twin brother, Kang Ha (Lee Chae Min). Although they are twins, they are not identical, which adds to the complexity of their relationship and the story. The similarity in their appearances and certain characteristics initially confuses other characters, particularly Jung Jae I, who grows suspicious of Kang Ha’s presence at the school.

The twin connection is unveiled when it’s shown that both brothers wear identical bracelets, initially thought to be part of a music team. This twist adds a new layer to the plot, making viewers question the true nature of Kang In Han’s relationships and the secrets he might be hiding.

The Tragic End and Unveiling the Perpetrator

Revealing The Perpetrator Of Kang In Han'S Murder Still cut from Korean drama Hierarchy (doc. Netflix/Hierarchy)

The suspense around Kang In Han’s death intensifies with each episode. Initially, Lee Woo Jin appears to be the prime suspect due to a scene where he exits the blue car that hits Kang In Han. Moreover, Lee Woo Jin is seen taking a pen with a camera and Kang In Han’s cellphone, raising more questions about his involvement.

However, in a dramatic turn of events in episode 7, it is revealed that Mrs. Han, the homeroom teacher of class 2-2, was driving the car that killed Kang In Han. This revelation shocks everyone, especially when it’s disclosed that Mrs. Han didn’t help Kang In Han after hitting him because she was afraid her illicit relationship with Lee Woo Jin would be exposed. Her fear of damaging her reputation overpowered her duty to save a student’s life, making her decision all the more chilling.


Hierarchy weaves a compelling tale of intrigue and tragedy, with Kang In Han’s character at its heart. The drama’s strength lies in its ability to create multifaceted characters whose personal dilemmas resonate deeply with the audience. Kang In Han’s portrayal by Kim Min Chul is particularly noteworthy, bringing a nuanced performance that captures the vulnerability and courage of a scholarship student navigating a hostile environment.

Kim Min Chul As Kang In Han Still cut from Korean drama Hierarchy (doc. Netflix/Hierarchy)

The drama’s exploration of themes such as class disparity, sibling relationships, and the lengths people go to protect their secrets adds a rich texture to the storyline. The revelation of Mrs. Han’s involvement in Kang In Han’s death is a masterstroke, subverting expectations and highlighting the moral complexities that drive the characters’ actions.

In true DramaBeans fashion, Hierarchy keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, blending emotional depth with suspenseful storytelling. The intricate plot twists and the unfolding mystery of Kang In Han’s death ensure that every episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and surprises. As the series progresses, it will be fascinating to see how the characters’ stories evolve and what further secrets Jooshin High School holds.

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