The Workaholic Life of Kyung Joo Yeon in Bad Memory Eraser

Kyung Joo Yeon’s workaholism in Bad Memory Eraser highlights the cost of extreme dedication.
The Workaholic Life of Kyung Joo Yeon in Bad Memory Eraser

In the drama Bad Memory Eraser, Kyung Joo Yeon (played by Jin Se Yoon) is a character that perfectly embodies the term “workaholic.” As a dedicated psychiatrist, she’s committed to an ambitious project aimed at erasing people’s bad memories to create a better world. While her intentions are noble, her obsessive dedication to her work comes with a heavy price. Let’s explore the seven signs that Kyung Joo Yeon is indeed a workaholic, as highlighted in the series.

1. Family Takes a Backseat

Kyung Joo Yeon Rarely Interacts with Her Family

Kyung Joo Yeon rarely interacts with her mother and nephew who miss her. Source: MBN 

Kyung Joo Yeon’s work comes at the cost of her personal life. Her dedication is so intense that she rarely finds time to interact with her mother and nephew, who deeply miss her. This detachment from her family is one of the first signs that her work has taken over her life. It’s heartbreaking to see her prioritize her career over the people who love her the most.

2. Living at the Hospital

Kyung Joo Yeon Often Spends Weeks at the Hospital

Kyung Joo Yeon often spends weeks in the hospital and rarely goes home. Source: MBN

Kyung Joo Yeon’s obsession with her project is evident as she often spends weeks at the hospital, rarely returning home. Her workplace has practically become her residence, further distancing her from any semblance of a personal life. This relentless commitment leaves her with little room for anything else, including rest and relaxation.

The Toll on Health and Social Life

Kyung Joo Yeon Neglects Her Health Due to Work

Even though her body is tired, Kyung Joo Yeon rarely sleeps. Source: MBN 

One of the most concerning aspects of Kyung Joo Yeon’s workaholism is its impact on her health and social life. Despite being physically exhausted, she rarely sleeps, choosing instead to care for patients while pushing forward with her research. Her lack of hobbies or other interests outside of work only amplifies her isolation.

Kyung Joo Yeon’s Main Source of Stress Is Work

Kyung Joo Yeon’s main source of stress comes from her work. Source: MBN 

Moreover, even when she takes a break from work, she finds it impossible to enjoy her time off. Her mind remains consumed by thoughts of her experiments and patients, leaving her unable to disconnect and recharge. The stress she experiences stems almost entirely from her job, highlighting just how deeply entrenched she is in her work.

A Life Out of Balance

Kyung Joo Yeon Cannot Enjoy Her Free Time

Even on leave, Kyung Joo Yeon cannot enjoy her free time because she’s consumed by work thoughts. Source: MBN 

Kyung Joo Yeon’s workaholic tendencies not only harm her health but also prevent her from experiencing a balanced life. Her inability to separate herself from her work leaves her stressed and unable to enjoy moments of peace. This unhealthy relationship with work raises the question: will she ever find a way to balance her life, or will her dedication continue to consume her?

The drama Bad Memory Eraser paints a vivid picture of how being overly dedicated to one’s work can lead to personal sacrifices that are too great. It’s a reminder that while ambition and passion are important, they should not come at the cost of one’s well-being and personal relationships. As viewers, we’re left wondering whether Kyung Joo Yeon will find a way to step back and rediscover the joys of life beyond her work.

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