The Relationship Between Che Li and Meng Fei

Che Li's friendship with her editor, Meng Fei, transforms her writing career.
The Relationship Between Che Li and Meng Fei

Che Li and Meng Fei are not just professional acquaintances but also good friends. Meng Fei serves as the editor for Che Li’s new book, and their collaboration has blossomed into a meaningful friendship.

Che Li lives in the beautiful water town of Suzhou, famous for its gentle dialect and serene landscapes. She is a full-time mom, dedicating her days to taking care of her husband, Zhou Quan, and their son, Zhou Aiwen. In her spare time, Che Li writes articles for her public WeChat account.

A Blossoming Career

Che Li’s writing journey took a significant turn when Meng Fei encouraged her to write more seriously. With his support and guidance, Che Li’s new book was on the verge of publication. Meng Fei called her, urging her to write a promotional piece to generate buzz before the book’s release.

The response was overwhelming. Upon the book’s release, it became an instant hit online, amassing over 100,000 new followers on her public account overnight. Meng Fei was the first to call Che Li and share the exciting news, and she rushed back to attend the book signing event.

Celebrating Success

At the celebratory dinner, Che Li was the center of attention. The president of the publishing house and the staff had been eagerly waiting for her arrival. They surrounded her with questions and praise, momentarily sidelining Meng Fei. Sister Liu, one of the staff, introduced each dish to Che Li, expressing her regret for not knowing her sooner.

Che Li expressed her gratitude towards Meng Fei, acknowledging his unwavering support and encouragement over the years. She loved writing and, three years ago, Meng Fei discovered her talent and motivated her to pursue her passion seriously. Lifting a glass of wine, Che Li toasted to Meng Fei, and they both drank it down in one go. Sister Liu, sitting nearby, watched in quiet jealousy.

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