Drama The Atypical Family presents an intriguing story about a family with superpowers who lose their abilities due to modern lifestyles. The story takes a twist when a mysterious woman named Do Da Hae, played by Chun Woo Hee, arrives and is believed to be capable of restoring the Bok family’s powers. However, Da Hae’s appearance, which seemed coincidental, turns out to be part of a premeditated plan by a group of fraudsters. Here are the reasons why Do Da Hae is a fraud in the Korean drama The Atypical Family.
Paying Off Her Father’s Debt
Since childhood, Da Hae has lived a life full of hardships. Abandoned by her mother, she lived with her father, who was deeply in debt to loan sharks. Her father’s death left her an orphan, burdened with his debts. Da Hae faced relentless pressure from loan sharks, especially Baek Il Hong, who took her funeral money to cover the debts. This relentless pressure and lack of support drove Da Hae into a life of crime to survive and pay off the debts.
Image source: instagram.com/jtbcdramaLiving as Baek Il Hong’s Collateral
From the day of her father’s funeral, Da Hae became a collateral for Il Hong. She experienced a traumatic incident where she was trapped in a school fire and had no means to pay for her hospital bills. Il Hong took advantage of her vulnerable situation, demanding that she work for him to pay off the debts. Left with no other options, Da Hae agreed to his demands, marking the beginning of her life as a fraudster.
Image source: instagram.com/jtbcdramaNo Other Choice as an Orphan
With no family and no future prospects, Da Hae had no other choice but to comply with Il Hong’s demands. Her life seemed to be a continuous string of misfortunes, and she saw no way out of the cycle of debt and deceit. This led her to continue living as a fraud, deceiving her victims to survive. Her involvement with the Bok family, who have superpowers, is her latest job, one she must execute well as it might be her last chance to settle her debts and find some semblance of peace.
Image source: instagram.com/jtbcdramaThe character of Do Da Hae in The Atypical Family is a complex one, driven by desperation and circumstances beyond her control. Her journey highlights how systemic issues like debt and lack of support can push individuals into criminal activities. It’s a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding the backstories of individuals before passing judgment. The drama effectively uses her character to shed light on these critical social issues while keeping the audience engaged with its supernatural elements.