Netflix’s latest Korean drama, The 8 Show, premiered on May 17, 2024. The series, which consists of eight episodes, follows eight individuals who find themselves unexpectedly united in a building, where they must play games to win money. The drama features several well-known actors and actresses. Here’s a closer look at the real ages of the main cast members in 2024.
Familiar Faces and Their Ages
Ryu Jun Yeol – 38 Years Old
Born on September 25, 1986, Ryu Jun Yeol will be 38 years old in 2024. He is one of the prominent actors in The 8 Show, known for his diverse roles in Korean dramas and films.
Ryu Jun Yeol (
Chun Woo Hee – 37 Years Old
Chun Woo Hee, who plays Song Se Ra, is 37 years old in 2024. Her portrayal of complex characters has made her a favorite among drama enthusiasts.
Still photo of Chun Woo Hee on The 8 Show (doc. Netflix/The 8 Show)
Park Jung Min – 37 Years Old
As the film director Philip, whose work was rejected by the producer, Park Jung Min is also 37 years old. He shares this age with co-star Chun Woo Hee.
Park Jung Min (
Lee Yul Eum – 28 Years Old
Lee Yul Eum, at 28 years old, is the youngest among the main actors. Despite her youth, she has made a significant impact with her performances.
Lee Yul Eum on The 8 Show (
Park Hae Joon – 48 Years Old
Famous for his role in The World of the Married, Park Hae Joon will be 48 years old in June 2024. He brings a wealth of experience to his role in The 8 Show.
Park Hae Joon (
Lee Joo Young – 37 Years Old
Actress Lee Joo Young, who is the same age as Park Jung Min and Chun Woo Hee, is also 37 years old. She has carved out a unique space for herself in the industry.
Lee Joo Young on The 8 Show (doc. Netflix/The 8 Show)
Moon Jung Hee – 48 Years Old
Born in 1976, Moon Jung Hee is 48 years old. She portrays Mun Jung, adding depth to the drama with her seasoned acting skills.
Moon Jung Hee on The 8 Show (
Bae Sung Woo – 52 Years Old
Playing No Sang Guk, Bae Sung Woo will be 52 years old in November 2024. His experience and talent are evident in his powerful performances.
Bae Sung Woo (
The 8 Show boasts a talented and diverse cast, many of whom share similar ages, bringing a unique dynamic to the series. Did you guess their ages correctly?