The Irresistible Charms of Lee Mi Jin in Miss Night and Day

Unveiling the eight charms of Lee Mi Jin that captivate Ko Won.
The Irresistible Charms of Lee Mi Jin in Miss Night and Day

In the popular drama Miss Night and Day, Ko Won (played by Baek Seo Hoo) is not just an ordinary colleague to Lee Mi Jin (played by Jung Eun Ji). He holds her deepest secret: Lee Mi Jin transforms into a middle-aged woman when the sun rises. Despite this startling revelation, Ko Won promises to protect her and her secret. In the latest episode, Ko Won openly expresses his feelings for Mi Jin. What is it about Mi Jin that captivates Ko Won so profoundly? Let’s delve into the eight charms of Lee Mi Jin that make Ko Won fall head over heels.

1. Tough and Fearless

Lee Mi Jin is a brave soul. She once saved Ko Won from a dangerous stalker, showcasing her courage and strength. This fearless attitude makes her incredibly attractive to Ko Won. He admires her bravery and feels safe around her.

Lee Mi Jin saves Ko Won Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

2. Deep Understanding

Mi Jin has an amazing ability to empathize with Ko Won. When she learns about his weaknesses, she treats him with compassion and understanding. Her ability to humanize Ko Won, seeing him beyond his public persona as an idol, strengthens their bond.

Lee Mi Jin empathizes with Ko Won Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

3. Non-Judgmental Support

When Mi Jin discovers that Ko Won is taking medication to manage his anxiety, she doesn’t judge him. Instead, she offers her unwavering support. Her non-judgmental attitude makes Ko Won feel accepted and loved for who he is.

Lee Mi Jin supports Ko Won Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

4. Mysterious Allure

Lee Mi Jin has a mysterious side that keeps Ko Won intrigued. Her life is full of secrets, and this mystery adds a layer of excitement to their relationship. Ko Won is constantly curious about her, wanting to learn more and be closer to her.

Lee Mi Jin's mysterious side Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

5. Radiating Positivity

Mi Jin’s cheerful and energetic personality makes Ko Won feel at ease. Her positive vibes are contagious, and she can always lift his spirits, making their time together enjoyable and fulfilling.

Lee Mi Jin's positivity Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

6. Shared Humor

Mi Jin and Ko Won share the same sense of humor, making her a delightful companion. Their ability to joke around and have fun together deepens their connection, making every moment memorable.

Lee Mi Jin and Ko Won's humor Image source: trailer for the drama Miss Night and Day (

7. Sincere Sweetness

Mi Jin’s sincere and sweet attitude often moves Ko Won. She never responds to negativity with bitterness. Instead, she remains kind and considerate, showing her true character and making Ko Won fall even deeper in love.

Lee Mi Jin's sweetness Image source: excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day)

8. Gracious and Grateful

Even when deceived by a fan, Mi Jin thanked them and asked Ko Won’s fans to continue supporting him. Her graciousness and gratitude show her big heart and make Ko Won admire her even more.

Lee Mi Jin's gratitude Image source: excerpt from the drama Miss Night and Day (doc. JTBC/Miss Night and Day)

In Miss Night and Day, Lee Mi Jin’s combination of bravery, empathy, support, mystery, positivity, humor, sincerity, and gratitude makes her an irresistible character. Ko Won’s love for her is a testament to these beautiful qualities that make Mi Jin truly special.

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