Frankly Speaking tells the story of Song Ki Baek (Go Kyung Pyo), a 33-year-old broadcaster, who after many struggles, joins a variety show written by On Woo Ju (Kang Han Na). This drama highlights the tough challenges faced in the entertainment industry. Here are nine pieces of evidence from the show that reveal its harshness.
Intense Competition and Constant Challenges
- Maintaining Popularity Despite working hard, Woo Ju struggles to keep her show popular due to intense competition.
- Underestimated Abilities When the show’s popularity drops, Woo Ju’s abilities are quickly underestimated.
- Show Cancellation If a show gets bad ratings, it can be disbanded immediately.
- Hurtful Treatment To achieve their goals, Ki Baek and Woo Ju often have to endure hurtful treatment and words.
Struggles and Sacrifices
- Replacement Due to Mistakes Ki Baek wanted to be the main host, but a mistake led to his replacement by someone more popular.
- Prioritization of Popular People Even when Ki Baek participates in events, those with higher popularity get more attention.
- Used for Public Attention Ki Baek’s participation in a dating event was used by Hayoung to provoke the main star, Jung Heon.
- Maintaining a Perfect Image Regardless of what happens, maintaining a perfect image on screen is essential.
- Obeying the Artist’s Wishes Sometimes, production staff have to comply with artists’ numerous demands.
Frankly Speaking is a drama that showcases the tough realities of the Korean entertainment industry. Both Ki Baek and Woo Ju must fight to survive in this challenging environment.
The drama does an excellent job highlighting the relentless competition, the constant pressure to maintain popularity, and the often harsh treatment that professionals endure. Watching Ki Baek and Woo Ju navigate these struggles is not only engaging but also eye-opening for viewers who might not be aware of what goes on behind the scenes. This show is a must-watch for anyone interested in the entertainment industry, offering both entertainment and valuable insights into the reality of working in television. If you haven’t watched it yet, be sure to catch the exciting story on official channels!