Hyun Dae Ho, portrayed by Kwon Hae Hyo, is a supporting character in “Wedding Impossible.” Initially, he irked viewers with his negative attitude toward his youngest grandson, Lee Ji Han (Moon Sang Min). However, his character undergoes significant development by the end of the story.
Throughout the drama, Hyun Dae Ho’s demeanor undergoes notable changes. Let’s explore the character development of the LJ Group Chairman in “Wedding Impossible.”
1. Work-Centric to Leisurely:
For years, Hyun Dae Ho solely focused on work. However, after retiring, he now enjoys relaxing and pursuing his hobby of fishing.
2. Expressing Emotions:
He becomes more expressive about his feelings toward his grandchildren, particularly Lee Ji Han, even explaining his past behavior.
3. Affection through Freedom:
Unlike before, Hyun Dae Ho now shows affection by granting his grandchildren the freedom to make their own choices.
4. Acceptance and Support:
He no longer pressures Lee Do Han to be his heir and respects Lee Ji Han’s decision to start his own business.
5. Fairness:
Hyun Dae Ho strives for fairness among his four grandchildren, opting not to designate a sole heir for the LJ Group.
6. Bonding Time:
He initiates regular family meals to foster closeness and genuine conversation with his grandchildren.
7. Acceptance of Relationships:
Despite past scandals, he blesses Lee Ji Han’s relationship with Na A Jung, showing his evolved perspective.