In the drama Queen of Tears, the character Yoon Eun Sung (played by Park Sung Hoon) is portrayed as a scheming individual. From the moment he appears, he’s shown to be plotting devious schemes, particularly aiming to overthrow the Hong family from the Queens Group. Additionally, he attempts to win over Hong Hae In (played by Kim Ji Won) from Baek Hyun Woo (played by Kim Soo Hyun).
However, beneath his villainous facade lies a hidden dark past. Despite his current role as a perpetrator, Eun Sung was once a victim of others’ selfishness. His past was so tumultuous that it drove him to seek revenge for the pain he endured.
Reflecting on Eun Sung’s life, it’s evident that he’s faced injustice and misfortune. Let’s delve into the three significant misfortunes Yoon Eun Sung experiences in Queen of Tears:
1. Abandoned by His Biological Mother
Eun Sung was born into poverty, with his mother incarcerated at the time of his birth. Moh Seul Hee (played by Lee Mi Sook) gave birth to Eun Sung in prison and subsequently left him at an orphanage. When Eun Sung later discovered his biological mother’s identity, he was met with abandonment. Seul Hee chose to prioritize her ambitions, neglecting her son in pursuit of Chairman Hong, the owner of the Queens Group. Despite claiming it was for Eun Sung’s benefit, her actions left him with painful memories of neglect.
2. Victim of Domestic Violence by Foster Parents
Seul Hee orchestrated Eun Sung’s upbringing, sending him abroad to live with foster parents. Tragically, Eun Sung fell victim to their abuse, a fact Seul Hee was aware of but chose to ignore. Despite being separated from her son, Seul Hee prioritized her plans over Eun Sung’s well-being. This neglect left Eun Sung traumatized and fearful.
3. Unrequited Love
Eun Sung harbored a lifelong crush on Hae In, starting from their time together in the orphanage. His return to Korea was partly driven by his desire to reconnect with her, despite her marriage to another man. Even after Hae In exposed Eun Sung’s nefarious schemes, his feelings for her remained unchanged. His unrequited love symbolizes yet another aspect of his unfortunate life.
Yoon Eun Sung’s character embodies the complexity of someone who transitions from victimhood to perpetration. Despite enduring abandonment by his mother and abuse from his foster parents, his actions cannot be excused.