Drama Chief Detective 1958 marks Lee Je Hoon’s return this year, following his impressive performance in Taxi Driver 2 last year. This time, Lee Je Hoon takes on the role of an idealistic detective.
Chief Detective 1958 serves as a prequel to a long-running legendary series. Here’s a breakdown of the synopsis and cast of Chief Detective 1958.
1. Synopsis of Chief Detective 1958
Chief Detective 1958 is a prequel to Chief Inspector, which aired from 1971 to 1989, totaling 880 episodes with a staggering 70% rating.
The story follows Park Young Han (played by Lee Je Hoon), a young detective driven by justice, particularly in catching small-time criminals. He later teams up with three colleagues to solve an unexpected case.
2. Cast of Chief Detective 1958
The cast of Chief Detective 1958 features several well-known Korean actors, including the comeback of Lee Je Hoon as Park Young Han. Other cast members include Lee Dong Hwi as Kim Sang Soon, Choi Woo Sung as Jo Kyeong Hwan, Yoon Hyun Soo as Seo Ho Jung, and Seo Eun Su as Lee Hye Joo.
3. Chief Detective 1958 Broadcast Schedule
The production team released a trailer on MBC’s official Instagram on January 4. The drama began airing on April 19, 2024.