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Meet Yourself

Meet Yourself (2023)

Xu Hong Dou seeks solace in a rural village after her best friend’s death. There, she meets Xie Zhiyao, a local with a transformative vision.

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Original Title 去有风的地方
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 40
Duration 45 mins
Status Ended
Year 2023
First Air Date January 3, 2023
Last Air Date January 22, 2023
Broadcast Day monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
Network ,

Because of the death of her best friend, Xu Hongdou's life and work falls into a slump. She goes to the "windy courtyard" in Yun Miao Village, Dali, to recuperate by herself. There, she meets Xie Zhiyao, a local who quit his high-paying job and has returned to his hometown to start a business, with a group of peers from big cities. Xie Zhiyao begins to see Xu Hongdou's kindness and seriousness. He invites her to use her years of experience in the hotel industry to help local employees improve their service awareness and help develop Yun Miao Village's cultural tourism business. At the same time, Xu Hongdou is moved by Xie Zhiyao's ideal of building a hometown so that the villagers can be independent and lead a purposeful life. The two fall in love and finally came together. As they work together they re-examin their past, help and inspire each other, start to heal and gain the strength to begin their lives again in this "windy place".

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China Huace TV

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Editor's Review
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 A Journey of Healing and Connection

Xu Hong Dou (played by the talented Liu Yi Fei) is a woman who has dedicated her life to the bustling world of hotels. But when her best friend tragically passes away, her once-steady life takes an unexpected turn. Filled with grief and seeking solace, Xu Hong Dou escapes the city’s chaos and retreats to Yunmiao Village near Dali in Yunnan Province. Here, she hopes to find peace and rediscover herself.

The Setting: Tranquility Amidst Fields and Mud

Yunmiao Village, with its rustic charm, becomes Xu Hong Dou’s refuge. However, life in this remote village isn’t quite the idyllic escape she envisioned. She grapples with muddy fields and the occasional encounter with animal droppings—far from the polished floors of her hotel career. Yet, it’s precisely in this simplicity that she begins to heal.

The Encounter: Xie Zhi Yao and His Dream

Enter Xie Zhi Yao (portrayed by Li Xian), a young man brimming with spirit and determination. Having left a high-paying job, he returns to his hometown with a vision—to uplift Yunmiao Village. His dream is to create a better life for its people, ensuring that no one is left behind as the younger generation migrates to the cities. Xie Zhi Yao’s passion draws Xu Hong Dou into his orbit, and their paths intersect.

The Cinematography: Capturing Stillness and Beauty

The drama’s cinematography deserves applause. It captures the serene landscapes—the mist-kissed mountains, the golden rice fields, and the quiet moments by the river. The camera lingers on details—the fluttering prayer flags, the wrinkled hands of elderly villagers, and the play of light through ancient trees. Time seems to slow down, inviting viewers to savor each frame.

The Characters: Xu Hong Dou and Xie Zhi Yao

Liu Yi Fei leads us into Xu Hong Dou’s emotional journey. Her portrayal is nuanced—revealing vulnerability, resilience, and the gradual rekindling of hope. Li Xian’s Xie Zhi Yao is equally compelling—a man who traded corporate life for community service, driven by a love for his roots. Their chemistry is palpable, and their conversations resonate with authenticity.

Themes: Time, Connection, and Rediscovery

“Meet Yourself” emphasizes the importance of time. It’s not a fast-paced drama; rather, it unfolds gently, allowing viewers to immerse themselves. Conversations between characters—whether about dreams, loss, or the taste of local food—become the heart of the story. Through these interactions, Xu Hong Dou and Xie Zhi Yao discover not only each other but also themselves.

Conclusion: A Quiet Gem Worth Watching

In a world where noise often drowns out whispers of the soul, “Meet Yourself” stands out. It reminds us to pause, breathe, and listen—to the wind, to our hearts, and to the stories of those around us. Crystal Liu led me to unravel the beauty of human interaction in this drama. It may look slow-paced, but, as I quoted from the show, time was the essential ingredient. You’ll slowly be immersed in it and then carried away by the story.

So, if you seek a drama that soothes your spirit, invites reflection, and celebrates the ordinary, venture to Yunmiao Village with Xu Hong Dou and Xie Zhi Yao. Let the wind whisper its secrets, and perhaps, you’ll meet yourself along the way.

Remember, life’s most profound moments often unfold in the quiet spaces between words and glances. 🌿✨
