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Love Me Again

Love Me Again (2023)

Discover hidden love and age-defying secrets in the Thai drama ‘Love Me Again.’ A quirky romance that defies expectations.

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Original Title อีกครั้งฉันรักเธอ
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 6
Duration 47 mins
Status Ended
Year 2023
First Air Date March 23, 2023
Last Air Date April 26, 2023
Broadcast Day thursday

A chaotic comedy of Pop – creator of AGA1N, the latest debuted girl group band and Bee – a 20-year-old muddle-headed teenager that looks older than her age. Only the audience would realize that she is actually a 50 year old lady in disguise to search for true love – the only one love of her life.

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 A Chaotic Comedy of Hidden Love


“Love Me Again” is a Thai television series that aired in 2023. The show revolves around two central characters: Pop, the creator of AGA1N (the latest debuted girl group band), and Bee, a seemingly muddle-headed 20-year-old teenager who looks older than her age. But here’s the twist: Only the audience knows that Bee is actually a 50-year-old lady in disguise, on a quest to find her one true love—the love of her life that she lost long ago.

The Premise

Imagine a mix of youthful exuberance and the wisdom of age, all wrapped up in a comedic package. That’s what “Love Me Again” serves up. Pop, the music producer, and Bee, the age-defying romantic, cross paths in a chaotic world where secrets abound. As the story unfolds, we witness their interactions, misunderstandings, and the gradual revelation of Bee’s true identity.

What Works

  1. Unconventional Romance: The show takes a refreshing approach to romance. Instead of the usual young couple, we have an older woman navigating the complexities of love. Bee’s vulnerability and determination make her endearing, and her chemistry with Pop keeps viewers engaged.
  2. Comedy: The humor in “Love Me Again” is its secret weapon. Whether it’s Bee’s hilarious attempts to fit in with the younger crowd or Pop’s bemusement at her antics, the show consistently delivers laughs.
  3. Mystery: The central mystery—why Bee is pretending to be a teenager—adds intrigue. Viewers are left guessing, and the gradual peeling away of layers keeps us hooked.

Acting and Direction

While “Love Me Again” isn’t a masterpiece, it compensates with solid acting. The cast brings authenticity to their roles, especially in portraying the emotional rollercoaster of love, loss, and second chances. The direction keeps the pace brisk, ensuring that the 87-minute episodes are easy to watch without dragging.

Themes Explored

  • Love and Age: The show delves into the timeless theme of love transcending age. Bee’s journey reminds us that it’s never too late to seek happiness.
  • Forgiveness: Past mistakes haunt both Pop and Bee. Their paths intersect, offering a chance at redemption and forgiveness.


“Love Me Again” is more than just a comedy; it’s a poignant exploration of love’s complexities. It celebrates resilience, second chances, and the enduring spirit of the human heart. So, if you’re in the mood for laughter, mystery, and a touch of romance, give this delightful Thai drama a watch.
