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Criminal Male Lead

Hometown (2021)

Discover the truth behind mysterious serial killings and unidentified sounds in a small city. Dive into the psychological thriller of ‘Hometown’

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Criminal Male Lead
Original Title 홈타운
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 12
Duration 70 mins
Status Ended
Year 2021
First Air Date September 22, 2021
Last Air Date October 28, 2021
Broadcast Day wednesday, thursday

A mystery evil thriller which finds the truth of a recording tape containing mysterious serial killings and unidentified sounds in a small city.

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Editor's Review
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A Riveting Psychological Thriller

“Hometown,” a South Korean drama set in a small rural town in 1999, weaves a gripping tale of mystery, guilt, and family bonds. Directed by Park Hyun Suk and written by Cho Hyun Hoon, this psychological thriller keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its nerve-wracking narrative.

Plot Summary

The story revolves around three central characters:

  1. Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung): A police detective haunted by the guilt of failing to prevent his wife’s death in a terrorist attack ten years ago.
  2. Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo): A convicted mass murderer who used sarin gas in a train station bombing in his hometown.
  3. Jo Jung Hyun (Han Ye Ri): Kyung Ho’s estranged sister, who takes in his daughter, Jo Jae Young (Lee Re).

The plot thickens when a murder case emerges in the small town, and Detective Choi suspects a connection to the terrorists. As he investigates, he teams up with Jung Hyun to uncover the truth and find her missing niece.

Themes and Atmosphere

“Hometown” delves into themes of trauma, guilt, and the impact of past events on the present. The eerie atmosphere is heightened by the discovery of a recording tape containing a mysterious serial murder and an unidentified bizarre sound. The mixtape, used by a peculiar serial killer, induces hallucinations and hypnosis in his victims, adding an unsettling layer to the narrative.

Acting and Characterization

The cast delivers commendable performances. Yoo Jae Myung portrays Detective Choi with intensity, capturing the weight of his past failures. Uhm Tae Goo’s portrayal of Jo Kyung Ho balances menace and vulnerability, while Han Ye Ri brings depth to Jo Jung Hyun’s character. Lee Re shines as Jo Jae Young, the missing schoolgirl whose disappearance sets the events in motion.

Controversy and Production

Originally produced by OCN, “Hometown” faced controversy when screenwriter Cho Hyun Hoon’s past sexual harassment case came to light. Despite this, the drama’s quality remains intact, thanks to Park Hyun Suk’s direction and the committed performances of the cast.

Final Thoughts

“Hometown” is a neatly written and hypnotic story that explores the dark corners of guilt, family secrets, and the human psyche. Its intricate plot, well-defined characters, and eerie ambiance make it a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers.

In summary, “Hometown” grips your attention from start to finish, leaving you pondering the thin line between innocence and guilt. Whether you’re a seasoned K-drama enthusiast or a newcomer, this series promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness.
