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Grid (2022)

Discover the mind-bending twists and suspense of Grid (2022). A South Korean sci-fi thriller that explores a world protected by the enigmatic Grid. Dive into murder investigations, time-traveling mysteries, and unexpected revelations.

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Boss-Employee Relationship
Original Title 그리드
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 10
Duration 10 mins
Status Ended
Year 2022
First Air Date February 16, 2022
Last Air Date April 20, 2022
Broadcast Day wednesday
Network ,

In 1997, a mysterious ghost saved humankind and then disappeared. The mysterious ghost appears again 24 years later and helps a serial killer escape. Kim Sae Ha, Jung Sae Byeok and Song Eo Jin pursue the ghost for different reasons.

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Editor's Review
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A Sci-Fi Thriller with a Twist

Grid is a South Korean sci-fi drama that takes place in a world protected by an enigmatic force known as the Grid. Earth faces the constant threat of massive solar flares, and the Grid acts as a planetary defense shield. The show follows the investigation of a murder case that leads to unexpected revelations and mind-bending twists.

Plot and Storytelling

The drama kicks off with a murder mystery, drawing viewers into a web of intrigue. The storyline is clear from the beginning, allowing audiences to connect the dots as the plot unfolds. Unlike some viewers, I found it easy to follow, and the idea of the Grid was consistently woven throughout the narrative. There were no plot holes, and the suspense kept my mind engaged. The show’s exploration of probabilities and philosophical questions about time added depth to the story.

Acting and Direction

The acting in Grid is commendable. The cast, including Kang Joon, Kim Ah Joong, and Lee Si-young, delivers solid performances. Kim Sae Ha’s undercover vendetta and Jung Sae Byeok’s zealous police officer are particularly captivating. The director skillfully drops hints about a potential second season, maintaining a laconic tone that leaves viewers intrigued.

Music and Atmosphere

The drama’s music serves as an auxiliary element, enhancing the overall experience without overpowering the scenes. While the existing score works well, a bit more variety could have added depth. Nevertheless, the soundtrack complements the story effectively.


Grid is a thrilling ride that combines suspense, mystery, and sci-fi elements. Despite its convoluted plot, the first few episodes are intriguing. However, as the show progresses, it takes a wild turn into time-traveling shenanigans, leaving logic behind. Emotional moments lose impact due to the confusing narrative. If you’re a fan of experimental K-dramas and can overlook some plot inconsistencies, give Grid a shot. But be prepared for a rollercoaster ride that defies expectations.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Grid (2022) offers a unique premise, strong performances, and a dash of unpredictability. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s worth watching for those who appreciate bold storytelling and unconventional twists. Let’s hope that a second season will shed more light on the mysteries of the Grid.
