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Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Attorney Female Lead

Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)

Follow Woo Young Woo, an extraordinary attorney with autism, as she navigates the legal world, solving cases and bringing justice. Heartwarming and unique.

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Attorney Female Lead
Original Title 이상한 변호사 우영우
Tagline My name is Woo Young-woo, whether it is read straight or flipped. Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 16
Duration 77 mins
Status Ended
Year 2022
First Air Date June 29, 2022
Last Air Date August 18, 2022
Broadcast Day wednesday, thursday
Network ,

Brilliant attorney Woo Young-woo tackles challenges in the courtroom and beyond as a newbie at a top law firm and a woman on the autism spectrum.

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A Legal Drama with a Heartwarming Twist”

“She didn’t know how to be semi-interested in something. She was either indifferent… or obsessed.” This quote from Helen Hoang’s novel “The Kiss Quotient” resonates with the essence of Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우). The drama, which aired in 2022, introduces us to Woo Young Woo (played by Park Eun Bin), an extraordinary 27-year-old attorney with autism. Her journey unfolds within the legal world, where her abilities—disguised as disabilities—become her greatest assets.

Plot Summary: Young Woo, despite her limited communication skills, graduates from Seoul National University with top marks and joins the prestigious law firm Hanbada. Her impressive memory and brilliant reasoning skills quickly win over her colleagues. The drama follows her as she solves cases, bringing justice to each situation. Alongside her are Lee Jun Ho (Kang Tae Ho), a fellow attorney, and Jung Myung Seok (Kang Ki Young), her mentor. Together, they tackle legal challenges, revealing the shades of different people surrounding them.

Genre and Themes: Extraordinary Attorney Woo blends legal drama with elements of romance, mystery, and politics. The show’s positive representation of autism is commendable, shedding light on a seldom-addressed issue. Woo Young Woo’s journey is heartwarming, challenging, and often comedic. The drama emphasizes her growth as both an attorney and a person.

Episodic Structure: The plot unfolds in almost standalone episodes, each presenting a new case. We witness Woo’s wittiness and problem-solving skills in action. While the cases are episodic, continuous plotlines develop subtly in the background, adding depth to the overall narrative.

Character Dynamics:

  • Woo Young Woo: Her unique perspective and unwavering dedication make her a compelling protagonist.
  • Lee Jun Ho: A member of the litigation team, he shares a close bond with Young Woo.
  • Jung Myung Seok: Young Woo’s senior mentor, guiding her through legal complexities.
  • Choi Soo Yeon and Kwon Mi Woo: Rookie attorneys navigating their roles alongside Young Woo.

Visuals and Direction: The drama balances legal proceedings with personal moments, capturing the intricacies of courtroom battles and character interactions. The attention to detail and continuity is evident throughout.

Music and Atmosphere: The soundtrack complements the drama’s tone, emphasizing emotional moments and adding depth to the scenes.

Overall Impression: Extraordinary Attorney Woo successfully combines legal intricacies with heartfelt storytelling. It invites viewers to appreciate the extraordinary abilities hidden within seemingly ordinary individuals. Whether you’re a legal drama enthusiast or simply seeking heartwarming content, this show delivers.

In a world where normalcy often overshadows uniqueness, Extraordinary Attorney Woo reminds us that sometimes, the most extraordinary things come from unexpected places.