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Class of Lies
Attempted Murder

Class of Lies (2017)

Uncover secrets in an elite high school. A temporary teacher investigates a student’s death. Crime drama with untapped potential.

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Attempted Murder
Original Title 미스터 기간제
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 16
Duration 70 mins
Status Ended
Year 2017
First Air Date July 17, 2019
Last Air Date September 5, 2019
Broadcast Day wednesday, thursday

Ki Moo-Hyeok, a lawyer with a high winning rate, only cares about money. Due to a murder case at a high school which he deals with, his reputation as a lawyer hits rock bottom. To regain his good name as a lawyer, he sneaks into the high school and work as a temporary teacher. He tries to reveal a secret which the students have, and gets involved with Teacher Ha So-Hyun, a P.E. teacher who loves her students. They then face the students'secret.

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Editor's Review
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A Crime Drama with Untapped Potential

“Class of Lies” is a Korean crime drama that delves into the dark underbelly of an elite high school. The story revolves around a temporary teacher, played by Yoon Gyun Sang, who infiltrates the school to uncover the truth behind a student’s mysterious death. While the premise is intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired.

The Good:

  • Young Actors Shine: The drama’s strongest moments occur during school scenes featuring the young actors. Their performances are compelling and add depth to the narrative.
  • Genius Directing and Filming: There are standout scenes, such as the one set in a high-rise building, where the direction and cinematography truly shine.

The Not-So-Good:

  • Weak Investigation: Despite the murder case being the central focus, the detective work and prosecutor’s efforts fall flat. Clues are stumbled upon rather than meticulously uncovered, and the lack of suspense hampers the pacing.
  • Flat Characters: Some intriguing characters meet untimely ends, while the surviving protagonists remain disappointingly one-dimensional. Their actions often lack realism, and the psychology behind their choices feels unconvincing.
  • Missed Opportunities: The drama overcomplicates certain aspects, leaving viewers wondering why it took so long for the characters to connect the dots. Solid suspects are scarce, and brain-storming sessions yield little progress.

The Music:

  • The drama’s saving grace is its music. The soundtrack is well-composed and adds emotional weight to key scenes.

In Conclusion: “Class of Lies” occupies a middle ground. While it’s worth watching, it falls short of its potential. The initial tension and captivating characters give way to lackluster investigative work and underdeveloped protagonists. If you appreciate genius directing and glimpses of brilliance, there are moments to savor. However, for a crime drama, it leaves much to be desired.

Please note that this review reflects my personal opinion and may differ from others’. If you decide to watch “Class of Lies,” keep your expectations in check and enjoy the music!
