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Choosing Spouse by Lottery
Adapted From A Novel

Choosing Spouse by Lottery (2018)

Choosing Spouse by Lottery is a Japanese drama that challenges love’s unpredictability. Explore fate, romance, and societal norms.

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Adapted From A Novel
Original Title 結婚相手は抽選で
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 8
Duration 44 mins
Status Ended
Year 2018
First Air Date October 6, 2018
Last Air Date November 24, 2018
Broadcast Day saturday
Network ,

Due to the nation's low birth rate and aging population, the Japanese government implements a new policy. The new policy requires single men and women from the age of 25 to 39 to go on government planned blind dates. The government randomly selects men and women as blind date partners. Each person can say no 2 times if they do not like their partners. If they say no for the third time, then they have to serve 2 years on an anti-terrorism activities support team. Tatsuhiko Miyasaka is a 26-year-old single man and he works as a systems engineer. He lives in Tokyo alone. Due to trauma from his middle-school days, he does not trust people and he has a fear of germs. Meanwhile, Nana Fuyumura is beautiful single woman and works at a radio broadcasting station. She lives with her family in Tokyo. Tatsuhiko Miyasaka and Nana Fuyumura meet at a government mandated blind date.

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Editor's Review
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A Unique Exploration of Love and Fate

In the realm of unconventional romance, “Choosing Spouse by Lottery” stands out as a captivating Japanese drama that delves into the complexities of love, societal expectations, and the unexpected paths our lives can take.

Synopsis: The Japanese government, grappling with a declining birth rate and an aging population, introduces the “Marriage Lottery Act.” Under this law, single citizens aged 25 to 39 must attend government-arranged blind dates. Tatsuhiko Miyasaka (played by Nomura Shuhei), a systems engineer with a traumatic past, and Nana Fuyumura (portrayed by Rin Takanashi), recently single after a breakup, find themselves reluctantly participating in mandated marriage interviews. But can strangers truly find lifelong happiness under such unorthodox circumstances?

Themes and Exploration: “Choosing Spouse by Lottery” deftly explores several thought-provoking themes:

  1. Marriage as a Social Experiment: The drama challenges the conventional notion of love and marriage. By forcing individuals into arranged dates, it questions whether love can blossom under state-sanctioned circumstances. The characters grapple with their own desires versus societal expectations.
  2. Individual Trauma and Healing: Tatsuhiko’s traumatic past has made him wary of relationships. His journey involves confronting his emotional scars and learning to open up. The drama portrays healing as a gradual process, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability.
  3. The Role of Chance and Fate: The lottery system introduces an element of randomness. As Tatsuhiko and Nana navigate their forced connection, viewers witness how chance encounters can alter destinies. The drama suggests that love itself is a lottery—one we all participate in.
  4. Community and Support Networks: Both characters find solace in their interactions with family and friends. The drama underscores the significance of human connections beyond romantic relationships. Happiness often lies in shared experiences and emotional bonds.

Character Development: Nomura Shuhei’s portrayal of Tatsuhiko is nuanced and relatable. His internal struggle—balancing trauma with newfound feelings—is palpable. Rin Takanashi brings depth to Nana, capturing her vulnerability and resilience. Their chemistry evolves from awkwardness to genuine connection.

Direction and Adaptation: Based on Miu Kakiya’s novel, the drama benefits from Ishikawa Junichi’s direction. The pacing allows for character introspection, and the cinematography captures Tokyo’s bustling yet isolating ambiance. The adaptation remains faithful to the novel’s essence while adding visual depth.

Critique: While the premise is intriguing, some moments border on preachiness. The drama occasionally emphasizes societal commentary at the expense of character development. However, the ensemble cast—each victim of the marriage law—adds layers to the narrative.

Conclusion: “Choosing Spouse by Lottery” invites viewers to ponder love’s unpredictability. It reminds us that even in a structured system, genuine connections can emerge. As Nomura Shuhei and Rin Takanashi question the essence of marriage, we, too, reflect on our own paths to love.

In a world where fate draws us together, perhaps love is the ultimate lottery—one worth playing.
