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Brain Works
Aggressive Male Lead

Brain Works (2023)

A quirky blend of comedy and mystery. Follow four brainy characters as they solve medical puzzles. A refreshing K-drama worth watching!

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Aggressive Male Lead
Original Title 두뇌공조
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 16
Duration 70 mins
Status Ended
Year 2023
First Air Date January 2, 2023
Last Air Date February 28, 2023
Broadcast Day monday, tuesday

Shin Ha Ru works as a neuroscientist. He comes from a family that has had doctors for 3 generations and he is wealthy from inherited property. Shin Ha Ru is a confident person who acts and speaks according to his convictions, but he has no mercy for people he views as scum. Geum Myung Se works as a detective. He acts and speaks surly around people, which causes people unfamiliar with him to assume he might be a corrupt cop. In reality, Geum Myung Se is a kind and righteous detective. He was also once married to Kim Mo Ran. She has a particularly strong libido. Shin Ha Ru and Geum Myung Se solve criminal cases together with help of Hypnotic Investigator Seol So Jung.

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Editor's Review
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A Quirky Blend of Comedy and Mystery

“Brain Works” is an investigative comedy that brings together four peculiar characters, each with their own distinct brain functions. Set against the backdrop of medical mysteries, this K-drama delivers a refreshing take on crime-solving.

The Characters:

  1. The Genius Brain (Chaebol Neurosurgeon): Our resident genius, adept at unraveling complex medical puzzles.
  2. The Altruistic Brain (Righteous Detective): A detective with a strong sense of justice.
  3. The Sexy Brain (Sensual Ex-Wife): A character who adds a dash of humor and sensuality to the mix.
  4. The Timid Brain (Wallflower Investigator): The quiet observer who notices details others might miss.

Plot and Genre:

“Brain Works” combines comedy, medical drama, and mystery. The brainy quartet collaborates to solve cases that challenge their intellect and teamwork. The show’s premise hinges on the interplay of these contrasting personalities, resulting in both laughter and intrigue.

What Works:

  • Unique Concept: The drama’s central theme—brain functions and their interplay—is intriguing. It’s refreshing to see a medical mystery series that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
  • Character Dynamics: The chemistry among the four leads is delightful. Their banter, quirky habits, and unexpected alliances keep viewers engaged.
  • Case of the Week: Each episode presents a new medical puzzle, allowing the characters to showcase their brainpower. The cases range from bizarre to heartwarming.

What Doesn’t Work:

  • Science Accuracy: While the drama is entertaining, some scientific aspects are questionable. Suspension of disbelief is necessary.
  • Side Stories: The subplot involving side characters can be time-consuming and occasionally dull.
  • Awkward Dialogue: At times, the dialogue feels forced, especially during exposition-heavy scenes.


“Brain Works” is a mixed bag. Veteran actor Cha Tae-hyun’s performance adds depth to the drama, but it occasionally stumbles due to awkward writing and filler sequences. However, if you’re looking for a lighthearted crime-solving adventure with a dash of comedy, this K-drama is worth a watch.

In summary, “Brain Works” offers a unique blend of brains, humor, and mystery. While it may not be flawless, its charm lies in the camaraderie of its brainy characters. So grab your popcorn and dive into this quirky world of medical detectives!
