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Bargain (2022)

Discover the gripping world of Bargain (2022): a dark, satirical Korean drama that delves into organ trafficking, survival, and the perils of capitalism. Dive in now!

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Original Title 몸값
Tagline Everybody wants a piece.
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 6
Duration 36 mins
Status Ended
Year 2022
First Air Date October 28, 2022
Last Air Date November 4, 2022

A group of strangers gather at a remote motel with ulterior motives – seeking to bargain. After an unexpected earthquake traps them inside the building. With no one to trust, they must find a way to survive.

Where to watch
Prime Video
Prime Video




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Editor's Review
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 A Clever and Complex Korean Drama

Bargain, a new Korean drama, emerges as a captivating blend of disaster movie, survival battle, and horrifying satire on capitalism. Directed by Jeon Woo-sung, it stands out as more than just a Squid Game counterpart. Let’s delve into its innovative and unhinged world.

Plot Overview:

The series kicks off with a chilling negotiation: Park Joo Young (played by Jun Jong-seo) offers to sell her virginity to Noh Hyung Soo (Jin Sun-kyu) for $1,000. But this seemingly sordid transaction takes an unexpected turn. Joo Young is part of a well-oiled business machine dealing in trafficked human organs. Hyung Soo, her would-be client, soon finds himself bound and on display for organ auction. The drama unfolds with twists, earthquakes, and a 70s disaster movie vibe.

Themes and Social Commentary:

Bargain dives deep into the dark waters of capitalism. It’s a scathing commentary on how our pursuit of profit can lead us to hell. The show masterfully balances tension and depravity, leaving viewers perpetually on edge. The characters grapple with moral dilemmas, survival instincts, and the commodification of human life.

What Sets It Apart:

  1. Complexity: Unlike Squid Game, Bargain doesn’t settle for simplicity. It weaves intricate layers, challenging our perceptions at every turn.
  2. Satire: The drama uses humor to offset its grim subject matter. Organ trafficking meets wit, creating a unique blend.
  3. Character Dynamics: Joo Young’s cheerful demeanor contrasts sharply with the horrors she’s involved in. Meanwhile, Guk Ryeol (Chang Ryul) bids on a kidney to save his dying father—a desperate act that sets off a chain of events.

Viewer Experience:

Bargain demands your full attention. Each episode leaves you breathless, contemplating the depths of human greed and desperation. The binge-worthy release format ensures you’ll be glued to your screen, but beware—it’s emotionally intense.


I wholeheartedly recommend Bargain to those who appreciate thought-provoking storytelling. If you’re ready for a rollercoaster ride through the darkest corners of society, this drama won’t disappoint.

Remember, this isn’t just another Squid Game clone. Bargain stands tall as its own beast—a wild, addictive, and unforgettable experience.
