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An Incurable Case of Love
Adapted From A Manga

An Incurable Case of Love (2020)

Heartwarming romance in a Japanese drama. Follow Sakura’s journey as she falls for Dr. Tendo. A cozy watch!

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Adapted From A Manga
Original Title 恋はつづくよどこまでも
Formats Streaming
Seasons 1
Episodes 10
Duration 51 mins
Status Ended
Year 2020
First Air Date January 14, 2020
Last Air Date March 17, 2020
Broadcast Day tuesday

Nanase Sakura is a 23-year-old rookie nurse. She met Doctor Kairi Tendo several years ago and fell in love with him. To meet him again, she studied hard and became a nurse. After 5 years, she finally meets Kairi Tendo again, but he has a totally different personality than what she imagined. Kairi Tendo, who is 31-years-old, is commonly referred to as the "Devil" at work. He is a level-headed perfectionist and often makes biting remarks to doctors and nurses. Nanase Sakura works hard to receive recognition from Kairi Tendo and she also expresses her feelings honestly to him. Due to her persistence, Nanase Sakura becomes well known at the hospital and she picks up the nickname of the "Warrior." Meanwhile, Kairi Tendo becomes attracted to Nanase Sakura.

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Editor's Review
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A Fangirl’s Japanese Drama Review: An Incurable Case of Love

Are you ready for a cute, fluffy Jdrama? An Incurable Case of Love follows the story of Sakura Nanase, a high school girl who witnesses a doctor saving a person’s life on the street. Inspired by this encounter, she decides to become a nurse to meet him again and, perhaps, marry him. Yes, it’s a bit whimsical, but it makes sense to anyone who gets caught up in daydreams—especially if the guy is cute enough!

Our leads are endearing. Sakura Nanase is the kind of person who daydreams and sometimes gets herself into trouble. Dr. Tendo Kairi, the object of her affection, is irritable and not very friendly—except with his patients. His sad background story explains his demeanor, but even his dad behaves similarly. The actor portraying Dr. Tendo employs “stare acting,” which adds to the intrigue.

Nanase’s journey as a newbie nurse is filled with awkward moments and mistakes. She improves over time, coping with difficult patients and keeping meticulous case notes. The hospital staff finds it amusing that she confessed her love to the crabbiest doctor in the hospital, dubbing her “the hero.” And occasionally, we see her decked out in imaginary hero armor.

The drama weaves multiple love lines. Nanase’s neighbor, Ryuko, goes on blind dates set up by her parents. There’s also a doctor and a male nurse who like her. Meanwhile, two doctors and a patient express interest in Nanase. But her heart belongs to Dr. Tendo. Their interactions are adorable, especially as Nanase’s friendly personality starts to break through his tough exterior. He grapples with whether maintaining his image is worth it.

The chemistry between Nanase and Kairi shines. From funny scenes at a bowling alley to ice cream mishaps, their relationship blossoms. As Kairi warms up to Nanase, he faces the choice of being true to himself or keeping up appearances.

An Incurable Case of Love doesn’t offer groundbreaking plot twists, but its charm and appeal make it a delightful watch. My husband and I enjoyed the character progression as the newbies improved at their jobs and gained the trust of the hospital staff.

In summary, if you’re in the mood for heartwarming romance and endearing characters, give this Jdrama a shot. It’s like a cozy blanket for your heart!
