Hierarchy is a fresh new Netflix original drama set to air in June 2024. The story revolves around the intense lives of students at Jooshin High School, an elite institution for the top 0.01 percent. The drama’s plot thickens with the arrival of a mysterious transfer student, Kang Ha (played by Lee Chae Min), who enters the school on a scholarship and harbors a secret. This article delves into the experiences and insights shared by Roh Jeong Eui and Lee Chae Min as they step into their first main roles.
The Transition from Maknae to Leader: Roh Jeong Eui’s Experience
Image Source: instagram.com/netflixkrRoh Jeong Eui portrays Jung Jae Yi, the charismatic Queen of Jooshin High School, who hides a dark secret. With 13 years in the entertainment industry, Roh Jeong Eui is accustomed to playing the youngest or maknae roles. However, Hierarchy presents a new challenge as she now finds herself as the senior among her peers.
Reflecting on this shift, Roh shared, “I’m usually on set with a lot of seniors. But, in this project, I’m in a position to lead my colleagues. I try to have fun while filming by applying what I see and learn from the seniors. Because I can’t do it myself, I trusted and followed my fellow actors and directors rather than feeling pressured.”
This change in dynamic has allowed Roh to grow as an actress, adapting her past experiences and observations from senior actors to guide and support her colleagues. Her character, Jung Jae Yi, is layered with complexity, offering Roh a platform to showcase her depth and versatility.
Double the Pressure: Lee Chae Min’s Journey
Image Source: instagram.com/netflixkrLee Chae Min, known for his role in Crash Course in Romance (2023), steps into the spotlight with Hierarchy as Kang Ha. Transitioning from a supporting role to the main character has been a significant leap for Lee, bringing with it a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
Speaking about his new role, Lee said, “The responsibility is very big and the burden is double. I was very nervous since the test shoot. I was accompanied by the director, fellow actors and actresses, as well as the staff who were very warm and kind. Every time whenever I felt nervous, they cheered me up. In the end, I was able to finish filming with a truly happy heart.”
Lee’s character, Kang Ha, is distinct from his previous role as Lee Sun Jae in Crash Course in Romance. While Lee Sun Jae was gentle and reserved, Kang Ha is portrayed as independent and strong-willed, providing Lee Chae Min with an opportunity to explore new dimensions in his acting.
A Fun and Supportive Shooting Atmosphere
Image Source: instagram.com/netflixkrThe set of Hierarchy was described as lively and collegial by both Roh Jeong Eui and Lee Chae Min. Alongside other young stars like Kim Jae Won, Ji Hye Won, and Lee Won Jung, the small age gap among the cast members fostered a sense of camaraderie and ease.
Roh noted, “It felt like we weren’t working. We chatted happily, ate together, and became close friends without hesitation asking about daily life. The shooting location was very comfortable and like a real school. We had fun while filming.”
Lee Chae Min echoed these sentiments, adding, “Because the character I played moved around a lot, I didn’t have any affiliations. Even so, they welcomed me warmly every time we filmed. We joked a lot and also worked hard. I remember it as the place where I came to heal and have fun instead of filming.”