After creating Devil’s Plan and The Great Escape, director Jung Jong Yeon returns with the exciting new show, Agents of Mystery. This time, the director teams up with Karina from aespa, Kim Do Hoon, Lee Yong Jin, Lee Hye Ri, John Park, and Lee Eun Ji. These stars take on the roles of secret agents who must solve mysterious phenomena. The show features two major missions filled with puzzles and challenges. Let’s dive into a detailed recap and explanation of the missions these members face in Agents of Mystery!
Members Become XIN Agents
Agents of Mystery trailer (doc. Netflix/Agents of Mystery)
In Agents of Mystery, Kim Do Hoon, Lee Yong Jin, Lee Hye Ri, John Park, Lee Eun Ji, and Karina from aespa are cast as secret agents. The show introduces the X Investigation Network (XIN), a secret organization dedicated to solving mysterious problems that threaten the earth. The organization uses a special tool called X-Wave to detect these phenomena.
Before starting their mission, the six members gather for a briefing. During this session, they receive background information about the people involved in their case and the necessary tools for their mission, including handy talkies and bags for carrying their gear.
How to Complete the Mission
Agents of Mystery trailer (doc. Netflix/Agents of Mystery)
XIN agents use a teleportation machine to travel to the mission location. After teleporting, they have only six hours to complete their mission. They use special watches to keep track of their remaining time. Interestingly, they can use the teleportation device even when they have just one hour left, adding a thrilling race against time to their adventure.
There Are Only Two Major Missions
Agents of Mystery trailer (doc. Netflix/Agents of Mystery)
Despite the show’s huge scope, the production team has released only two major missions for Agents of Mystery. The first mission is called The Followers of the Evil One, which focuses on a dangerous and heretical sect. The second mission, The Deep Sea Mystery, involves uncovering an underwater enigma aboard a submarine. The agents even wear special costumes tailored to each mission.
Recap of The Followers of the Evil One Mission
Agents of Mystery trailer (doc. Netflix/Agents of Mystery)
The first mission, The Followers of the Evil One, requires the agents to rescue three women who were kidnapped and are about to be sacrificed by a heretical sect called Molek, led by an old man named Go Gwi Tae. This sect
uses a spell that can swap a person’s soul with another individual’s. For example, Go Gwi Tae succeeded in exchanging the soul of a journalist with that of a dog. He even transferred his own soul into the body of one of his healthy followers to avoid sickness.
These three women are intended to be sacrifices in a grand ritual to open the gates of hell. Besides the three women, the Molek sect also captures Kim Do Hoon and Lee Yong Jin for sacrifice. In the end, the agents save themselves and the three women just as the gates of hell begin to open.
Recap of The Deep Sea Mystery Mission
Agents of Mystery trailer (doc. Netflix/Agents of Mystery)
The second mission, The Deep Sea Mystery, revolves around the mysterious disappearance of submarine crew members. The agents must discover why the crew vanished and retrieve crucial hard disks from the submarine. Kim Do Hoon shines in this mission, managing to open all the doors on the submarine and leading the search for clues. The agents uncover shocking facts about a sea monster that has infected one of the researchers. This monster pursues the agents as they try to retrieve the hard disks. Ultimately, the XIN agents succeed in getting the disks and escaping the terrifying sea monster.
Although Agents of Mystery has an engaging storyline and has garnered significant interest from viewers, it only features two major missions spread over six episodes. However, the production team and cast have hinted at the possibility of a second season. Which mission did you find more thrilling, the first or the second?