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In Love and Deep Water
Butler Male Lead

In Love and Deep Water (2023)

Romance, mystery, and mayhem unfold aboard a luxury liner bound for the Aegean Sea as a butler and a passenger strive to solve a baffling murder.

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Butler Male Lead
Original Title クレイジークルーズ
Formats Streaming
Duration 125 mins
Status Released
Year 2023
Release Date November 16, 2023

On a massive luxury cruise ship while at sea, the loyal butler and a mysterious woman cross paths as they try to uncover a murder-mystery that occurs on the ship.

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Editor's Review
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“In Love and Deep Water” takes place aboard a luxury cruise ship, where the loyal butler, Ubukata Suguru (played by Yoshizawa Ryo), and a mysterious woman named Banjaku Chizuru (played by Miyazaki Aoi) cross paths. Their encounter is anything but ordinary, as they find themselves embroiled in a murder-mystery unfolding amidst the opulence of the high seas.

Plot and Characters: The film sets sail with an intriguing premise: a murder mystery at sea combined with a love story. Ubukata and Banjaku, our ersatz detectives, meet as the cruise ship departs from Hokaido for a 45-day voyage to the Aegean and back. Banjaku is on a mission to track down the woman she suspects of cheating with her boyfriend (who happens to be Ubukata’s girlfriend). Despite having no ticket or luggage, Banjaku miraculously possesses a week’s worth of fashionable wardrobe. The film is peppered with such nonsensical details, leaving viewers scratching their heads.

Analysis: Sakamoto Yuji, known for his genre-savvy storytelling, could have crafted a straightforward mystery set on a cruise ship. Instead, he chooses a different path—one that defies convention. The film doesn’t meticulously weave every detail toward a solution. Rather, it dances between mystery and romcom, leaving us wondering why. While there’s chemistry between the leads, Banjaku’s character lacks depth, and her backstory remains elusive. As a result, the film hovers between genres without fully committing to either.

Verdict: In Love and Deep Water is an interesting experiment. It’s not a tightly woven thriller, nor is it a heartwarming romcom. Sakamoto’s fingerprints are evident, even if the film doesn’t hit all the right notes. Despite its flaws, there’s something to salvage—a glimpse into the mind of a storyteller who always has something to say.

In summary, In Love and Deep Water sails uncharted waters, blending mystery, romance, and whimsy. While it may not be a flawless voyage, it’s a journey worth taking for those curious about Sakamoto’s unique storytelling style.
