Dragon Hunter
Dragon Falling Master: Dragon Hunting Team

Dragon Hunter (2020)

A captivating fantasy film where two orphaned brothers embark on a perilous quest to defeat fire-breathing dragons. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when they encounter the legendary Dragon Hunter. Watch now!

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Dragon Falling Master: Dragon Hunting Team [addtoany]
Original Title降龙大师:猎龙队
Formats Streaming
Duration80 mins
Release DateSeptember 11, 2020

Talented demon hunter Li Xiyuan who was kidnapped by a dragon when he was young and set out on a journey to become a true "Dragon Master". He meets Heilong Sansheng unexpectedly, and at the same time, caught in the emotional entanglement with the two dragons, and is involved in a huge conspiracy. A shocking battle of good and evil that crosses the human and dragon realms quietly

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In the mystical world of Dragon Hunter, two orphaned brothers embark on a perilous quest to defeat ferocious fire-breathing dragons that are ravaging their land. However, their journey takes an unexpected turn when they encounter the legendary Dragon Hunter, the only one capable of turning the tide in this epic battle.


Dragon Hunter weaves a captivating tale of courage, brotherhood, and mythical creatures. While the film doesn’t break new ground in the fantasy genre, it manages to deliver an entertaining experience for viewers.

  1. Originality and Depth: The film introduces us to a richly imagined world where dragons roam freely, and their fiery breath threatens humanity. While the premise isn’t entirely novel, the execution keeps us engaged. The plot unfolds steadily, revealing layers of mystery and intrigue.
  2. Character Development: The two orphaned brothers, Li Xiu Yuan and Heilong Sansheng, form the heart of the story. Their bond is palpable, and their growth throughout the film is satisfying. We witness their transformation from wide-eyed adventurers to battle-hardened dragon hunters.
  3. Visuals and Cinematography: Dragon Hunter shines in its visual spectacle. The majestic dragons, lush landscapes, and ancient ruins are beautifully rendered. The aerial dragon battles are particularly thrilling, showcasing the film’s impressive CGI work.
  4. Emotional Resonance: The film tugs at our heartstrings as it explores themes of loss, redemption, and sacrifice. Li Xiu Yuan’s determination to become a true Dragon Master drives the emotional core. His interactions with the dragons evoke empathy and wonder.
  5. Expertise and Authenticity: The film benefits from the director’s evident passion for the genre. The attention to detail in dragon lore and the world-building adds authenticity. While some plot points may feel predictable, the overall execution remains commendable.
  6. Verdict: Dragon Hunter won’t revolutionize fantasy cinema, but it offers an enjoyable ride for fans of mythical adventures. If you’re seeking a visually stunning escapade with heartwarming moments, this film is worth a watch.

In summary, Dragon Hunter combines classic fantasy elements with heartfelt storytelling. It may not soar to the heights of legendary epics, but it leaves a satisfying flame in its wake.
