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Badland Hunters
Concrete Utopia 2

Badland Hunters (2024)

Badland Hunters: In a post-apocalyptic world known as the Badlands, skilled hunters emerge as the last line of defense against ruthless bandits and mutant creatures. Led by the formidable duo, Nam San and Choi Ji-wan, the hunters navigate the desolate wastelands in search of resources to sustain their struggling village.

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Concrete Utopia 2
Original Title 황야
Tagline One last hunt to save us all.
Formats Streaming
Duration 107 mins
Status Released
Year 2024
Release Date January 26, 2024

After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor.

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Editor's Review
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“Badland Hunters”: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller with a Violent Edge


In the desolate wastelands of post-apocalyptic Seoul, “Badland Hunters” introduces us to Yoon Seo-ha (played by Joon-Young Lee), a tough huntsman navigating a world ravaged by chaos. When a teenager close to him is abducted by a mad doctor conducting gruesome experiments on humans, Seo-ha takes matters into his own blood-stained hands.

Plot Summary:

The series wastes no time plunging us into its gritty universe. Driven by revenge and fueled by survival instincts, Seo-ha embarks on a relentless quest to rescue the abducted teen. Alongside Choi Ji-wan (No Jeong-ee), a fellow hunter with her own demons, they confront ruthless bandits, mutant creatures, and the haunting remnants of civilization.

What Works:

  • Action-Packed: “Badland Hunters” delivers visceral action sequences, showcasing Seo-ha’s combat skills and determination.
  • World-Building: The post-apocalyptic setting feels authentic, with decaying landscapes and desperate survivors.
  • Joon-Young Lee’s Performance: As Seo-ha, Lee brings intensity and raw emotion to the screen.

What Falls Short:

  • Thin Characterization: While Seo-ha’s motivations are clear, other characters lack depth.
  • Predictable Plot Twists: Some story developments follow familiar tropes.
  • Lack of Nuance: The series leans heavily on violence, sacrificing subtlety for shock value.


“Badland Hunters” is a brutal ride through a broken world. If you crave adrenaline-fueled battles and can overlook narrative shortcomings, this K-drama might scratch that post-apocalyptic itch.
