In the Korean drama The Midnight Romance In Hagwon, Choi Hyung Sun (played by Seo Jeong Yeon) faces a significant challenge. His academy, Daechi Choisun, is at risk of losing students to Heewon High School. To prevent this, he devises a clever plan to keep his academy thriving and even plans to open a special class for Chanyoung High School, currently dominated by Seo Hye Jin (played by Jung Ryeo Won) from Daechi Chase academy.
Sending Students to Spy on Competitors
One of Choi Hyung Sun’s tactics is to gather information about his competitor’s classes. He asks his assistant, Park Ki Seong, to send a student, Lee Si Woo (Cha Kang Yoon), to attend a free class held by Seo Hye Jin and Lee Joon Ho (Wi Ha Joon). Initially, Lee Si Woo is reluctant to go, but he is pressured due to his family’s high expectations and the hope that he will get into medical school through Daechi Choisun’s classes.
Lee Si Woo finds the free class quite different from what he’s used to. He learns effective tips for studying Korean, a subject he previously disliked. He reports back to Choi Hyung Sun, expressing his newfound appreciation for Seo Hye Jin’s teaching methods and even considers leaving Daechi Choisun for her classes. This move, although risky, gives Choi Hyung Sun valuable insights into his competitor’s strengths and weaknesses.
Hosting a Seminar for Parents
Understanding the power of parental influence, Choi Hyung Sun organizes a seminar for parents from Chanyoung High School. During this seminar, which coincides with the fifth episode, he presents strategies for helping students prepare for their final exams. By doing this, he aims to attract the parents’ interest and trust, hoping they will encourage their children to join his academy.
This seminar is a strategic move to demonstrate his dedication to educational excellence and to showcase the resources and expertise available at Daechi Choisun. The response from the parents could potentially shift their preference towards his academy, securing more enrollments.
Attempting to Recruit Seo Hye Jin
In a surprising twist, Choi Hyung Sun decides not to compete directly with Seo Hye Jin but to recruit her instead. He offers her the position of deputy director at Daechi Choisun. Impressed by her teaching methods and popularity, he sees her as a valuable asset to his academy.
However, Seo Hye Jin does not immediately accept the offer. She chooses to observe Daechi Chase academy’s state after the chaos of the free class and to consider her options carefully. Her potential recruitment could boost Daechi Choisun’s reputation and attract more students, but it remains to be seen how she will respond to Choi Hyung Sun’s proposal.
The Midnight Romance In Hagwon continues to captivate viewers with its intriguing plot and character dynamics. Choi Hyung Sun’s strategies reveal his determination and resourcefulness in maintaining the success of his academy. As the story unfolds, the tension between rival academies and the personal growth of the characters keep us eagerly anticipating each new episode. What will be Seo Hye Jin’s final decision? Tune in to find out!