The drama Hide unfolds the tale of Na Moon Young (played by Lee Bo Young), a former prosecutor turned lawyer, wife, and mother. Her seemingly flawless life crumbles when her husband vanishes, leaving her drowning in debt and desperate to uncover the truth.
Na Moon Young’s quest for justice is riddled with obstacles, including her own spouse. Despite the challenges, she and the other main characters find solace in the concluding episode of the series. But what awaits them in the end?
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
1. Na Moon Young loses her lawyer’s license and takes on a managerial role at a new law firm alongside her friend.
2. Cha Bom (portrayed by Jo Eun Sol) finds joy once more, settling into a new home with his mother, Na Moon Young.
3. Do Jin Woo (played by Lee Min Jae) reunites with his long-lost daughter and secures a steady job as an investigator at a law firm.
4. Baek Min Yub (portrayed by Kim Sang Ho) retires from the police force but continues working as an investigator alongside Do Jin Woo.
5. Joo Sin Hwa (played by Kim Guk Hee) bids farewell to the prosecutor’s office, embracing a new role as a lawyer and co-founding a law firm with Na Moon Young.
6. Na Seok Jin (portrayed by Oh Gwang Rok) clears his name of false accusations, reconnects with his grandson, and reclaims his identity, though haunted by past tragedies.
7. Cho In Kyu (played by Im Too Chul) and Ko Chun Hee (portrayed by Lee Sun Hee) contemplate resigning from Chawoong, their future uncertain, yet they stand by Na Moon Young’s side in court.
Despite their flaws, the characters in Hide are not flawless. They make mistakes but have the courage to own up to them and strive for change. It’s through this journey that they find their happy ending in the conclusion of Hide.