Chronology of Zico’s Name Dragged by Burning Sun: What’s the Reason?

Uncover the reasons behind Zico's unexpected involvement in the Burning Sun scandal. Learn about his connection with Jung Joon Young and the public's reaction.
Chronology of Zico’s Name Dragged by Burning Sun: What’s the Reason?

The Burning Sun scandal, a significant controversy in the K-pop world, has resurfaced due to a new BBC World Service documentary titled Burning Sun. Released on May 19, 2024, this documentary delves deeper into the events of 2019, bringing renewed attention to several Korean artists associated with the case. Among these artists is Zico, whose involvement has sparked significant public interest and criticism, leading to calls for a re-investigation.

Zico and the “Golden Phone” Incident

Zico’s connection to the Burning Sun scandal stems from his friendship with Jung Joon Young, a singer heavily implicated in the controversy. Jung Joon Young was found guilty of several serious offenses, including rape and the illegal recording and distribution of sex videos through a KakaoTalk group connected to the Burning Sun case.

Zico on Radio Star with Jung Joon Young Zico and Jung Joon Young on Radio Star (doc. MBC/Radio Star)

In 2016, Zico and Jung Joon Young appeared on the variety show Radio Star. During the show, Zico mentioned Jung Joon Young’s “Golden Phone,” a cellphone exclusively used for KakaoTalk. Zico expressed his amazement at the numerous contacts stored in this phone and admitted to frequently visiting Jung Joon Young’s house to browse through it.

However, when the Burning Sun scandal broke, netizens speculated that the “Golden Phone” Zico referred to was the device Jung Joon Young used for his illicit activities. This revelation led to widespread suspicion and criticism of Zico, with many believing he had seen or even been complicit in the illegal content Jung Joon Young recorded and shared.

Zico’s Denial and Public Reaction

In 2019, as the scandal gained momentum, Zico issued a public clarification on Instagram. He stated that the phone he mentioned on Radio Star had no connection to the Burning Sun case and that he had only seen a list of phone numbers on it. He also emphasized that he had not been in contact with Jung Joon Young for a long time and warned against spreading false information, promising to take legal action against baseless accusations.

Zico's Clarification on Instagram Zico’s clarification regarding Burning Sun (

Despite his denial, the public’s reaction was mixed. Some netizens remained skeptical and called for a thorough investigation into Zico’s possible involvement. Others defended him, arguing that Jung Joon Young had multiple phones for his criminal activities, and Zico might have been unaware of their true purpose.


To date, Zico’s name does not appear on the official list of artists implicated in the Burning Sun scandal, and he has not been questioned by authorities. Nonetheless, the resurgence of the case through the BBC documentary has reignited public debate, with many insisting on a deeper investigation.

Zico Zico (

While it’s essential to hold individuals accountable, it’s equally crucial to ensure that accusations are based on solid evidence rather than speculation. The documentary has undoubtedly revived interest in the case, and it will be interesting to see if it leads to any new developments or investigations.

What are your thoughts on Zico’s involvement in the Burning Sun scandal? Do you think the case should be reopened? Share your opinions in the comments below!

For a more detailed look at the timeline and events, you can check out the full documentary on the BBC World Service.

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