Yue Hong

Yue Hong

(61 years old)

Chengdu,Sichuan Province,China

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as: [Fang Yi Nuo's mother]
Actress from Mainland China. Winner of two Golden Rooster Awards. At the age of 23, she became famous for her role in the movie "Wild Mountain" and won the Best Actress Award at the Sixth Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award and the China Film Acting Society Award. "Eight Women Casting the River" won the "Little Hundred Flowers Award" for Best Supporting Actress. In 2012, he won the Ninth Golden Eagle Award and the Audience Favorite Actress Award. In 2009, "Look and See" won the 27th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress. Outstanding Actress Award at the 13th Film Lily Awards in 2013.
Also Known As 岳红, Hong Yue. Born on 1962-08-31

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