In the Korean drama “Pyramid Games,” Baek Ha Rin (played by Jang Da Ah) takes on the role of the main villain, displaying psychopathic tendencies from an early age that only worsen during high school. Throughout the series, he inflicts harm on numerous characters, leaving a trail of victims in his wake. Let’s delve into the identities of Baek Ha Rin’s victims in “Pyramid Games.”
1. Myung Ja Eun (portrayed by Ryu Da In) undergoes both physical and psychological torment at the hands of Baek Ha Rin, leaving her traumatized.
2. Cho Woo Ri (played by Joo Bo Young) becomes a target of Baek Ha Rin’s bullying simply for accidentally stepping on the girl’s shoes.
3. Sung Soo Ji (portrayed by Bona of WJSN) faces bullying and threats from Baek Ha Rin after transferring to Level F.
4. Baek Hyun Joon (portrayed by Kim Young Pil) finds himself trapped due to Baek Ha Rin knowing about his involvement in fund misappropriation.
5. Shim Eun Jung (played by Lee Joo Yeon) is coerced by Baek Ha Rin into complying with his demands, fearing repercussions for her idol debut.
6. Im Ye Rim (portrayed by Kang Na Eon) falls victim to Baek Ha Rin’s threats, causing distress to her and her friends.
7. Kim Da Yeon (played by Hwang Hyun Jung) faces physical abuse at home, instigated by Baek Ha Rin’s complaints and manipulation.
8. Yoon Na Hee (portrayed by Ahn So Yo) loses her job and reputation after refusing a bribe from Baek Ha Rin.
9. Baek Ha Rin even stoops to injuring a child’s hand at the Haneul House orphanage, demonstrating his lack of empathy and cruelty.
These characters endure various forms of suffering, from physical harm to financial losses, at the hands of Baek Ha Rin. However, some manage to overcome his tyranny, ultimately prevailing against him by the end of “Pyramid Games.”