Na A Jung, portrayed by Jeon Jong Seo, encounters numerous challenges while pursuing her career in the Korean drama “Wedding Impossible.” Her life becomes even more intricate after receiving a contract marriage proposal from her gay best friend. Nevertheless, she finds solace in a supportive network around her.
In this drama, various characters play pivotal roles in providing support to Na A Jung. Let’s delve into the nine characters who serve as Na A Jung’s pillars of strength in “Wedding Impossible.”
1. Lee Do Han (Kim Do Wan)
Has been friends with Na A Jung for 15 years, offering unwavering support in her pursuit of dreams.
2. Lee Ji Han (Moon Sang Min)
Not only offers words of encouragement but also actively supports Na A Jung on set.
3. Seo Dong Ok (Kim Soo Jin)
Loves Na A Jung unconditionally, regardless of her struggles as an aspiring actress.
4. Na Soo Jung (Moon Seung Yoo)
Serves as Na A Jung’s protective younger sister, offering guidance and correction when needed.
5. Cho Tae Min (Kim Young Hoon)
Becomes part of Na A Jung’s family after marrying Na Soo Jung, standing by her side through thick and thin.
6. Cho Ji Oh (Seo Woo Jin)
Brings joy to Na A Jung’s life as an adorable niece, lighting up her days.
7.Na Dae Sub (Kim Kwang Kyu)
Continues to support and love Na A Jung despite familial challenges, showing unwavering affection.
8. Yang Ji Ae (Song Sang Eun)
Acts as a caring friend and older sister figure to Na A Jung, offering understanding and compassion.
9. Yoo Jong Hee (Kang Na Eon)
Shares a close friendship with Na A Jung, celebrating her successes and offering support during tough times.
These characters provide invaluable support to Na A Jung, helping her navigate through challenges and pursue her dreams. Their presence, comforting words, and attention offer solace during difficult moments, shaping Na A Jung’s journey in “Wedding Impossible.”