In the drama “Queen of Tears,” Baek Hyun Woo (played by Kim Soo Hyun) ties the knot with Hong Hae In (played by Kim Ji Won), who is the daughter of a wealthy family. Hong Hae In’s grandfather, Hong Man Dae (played by Kim Kap Soo), is the head of a company called the Queens Group, making her the third-generation heir.
The Queens Group oversees various subsidiary companies. Hong Man Dae ensures that his children and grandchildren are employed within the group, placing them in key positions across different companies. Let’s delve into the elite roles held by members of the Queens family:
1. Chairman:
Hong Man Dae leads the pack as the head of the Queens Group.
2. Deputy Chairman:
Hong Hae In’s father, Hong Beom Jun (played by Jung Jin Young), is the second in command.
3. VVIP Club Operations:
Kim Seon Hwa (played by Na Young Hee), Hong Hae In’s mother, manages operations at the Queens Department Store’s VVIP Club.
4. Managing Director:
Hong Hae In holds the pivotal role of Managing Director within the Queens Group.
5. Main Director:
Hong Hae In also serves as the Main Director of the Queens Department Store.
6. Head of Legal Team:
Baek Hyun Woo, working under Hong Hae In at the Queens Department Store, heads the Legal Team.
7. Legal Director:
Baek Hyun Woo takes on additional responsibilities as the Legal Director for the Queens Group.
8. Executive Director:
Hong Hae In’s younger brother, Hong Soo Cheol (played by Kwak Dong Yeon), is an Executive Director within the Queens Group.
9. CEO of Queens Mart:
Despite his casual demeanor, Hong Soo Cheol is entrusted with the role of CEO at Queens Mart.
Hong Man Dae’s journey from a humble shoeshine boy to a successful business owner is inspiring. However, the Queens Group faces a crisis as his girlfriend, Mo Seul Hee (played by Lee Mi Sook), jeopardizes the company’s future. With the family’s elite positions at risk, can Hong Hae In save the day? Tune in to the next episode of “Queen of Tears” to find out!