The drama “Queen of Tears” revolves around the love story of Baek Hyun Woo (played by Kim Soo Hyun) and Hong Hae In (played by Kim Ji Won). Known as the Baekhong Couple, they encounter numerous challenges in their marriage.
Episodes 1-6 feature several significant objects that hold special meaning for the Baekhong Couple. Some evoke romantic memories, while others stir up emotions of sorrow. Here are nine noteworthy items from the Korean drama “Queen of Tears.”
1. Wedding Ring: This symbol of commitment is prominently featured in every episode, representing the bond between the main couple.
2. Star Sticker: Found in Baek Hyun Woo’s room, this sticker carries a poignant tale. He once adorned it with hopes for a future baby, a dream that never came to fruition.
3. Love Padlock: Engraved with the names “Hyunwoo-Haein,” this lock made its appearance in episode 6. Installed during their honeymoon in Germany at the Eiserner Steg bridge, it signifies their enduring love.
4. Four-Leaf Clover: Purchased by Hong Hae In in Germany, this clover symbolizes hope and luck, sought during a time of anxiety over medical test results.
5. White Sneakers: Gifted by Baek Hyun Woo to his wife, these sneakers captured viewers’ attention and became a trend in South Korea.
6. MP3 Player: A significant item revealing the couple’s teenage encounter. Baek Hyun Woo kept the MP3 player dropped by Hong Hae In, marking the beginning of their connection.
7. Divorce Letter: A heartbreaking moment unfolds when Hong Hae In discovers her husband’s penned divorce letter, marking a turning point in their relationship.
8. Ultrasound Photo: Holding memories of their unborn child, this photo, intended for an October 31 birth, represents the couple’s dashed hopes and dreams.
9. Necklace: Featured in a flashback scene, this necklace belonging to young Hong Hae In hints at a plot twist, now in the possession of Yoon Eun Sung.
These objects play pivotal roles in the storyline of “Queen of Tears,” reflecting the highs and lows of Baek Hyun Woo and Hong Hae In’s relationship. Some items showcase their enduring bond, while others hold secrets that may unravel in dramatic fashion.