9 Characters Who Conflict with Baek Ha Rin in Pyramid Game

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid Game

aek Ha Rin (Jang Da Ah) in Pyramid Games is a powerful student who is feared in class 2-5 of Baekyeon Girls’ High School. Due to her power, she can freely use the Pyramid Game to bully her classmates. In fact, no one dares to protest or stop the game.

Nevertheless, Baek Ha Rin apparently has conflicts with several people related to Baekyeon Girls’ High School. Most of the conflict arises from the Pyramid Game, which causes a lot of losses. Who, indeed, is in conflict with Baek Ha Rin? Let’s find out below!

1. Sung Soo Ji (Bona WJSN) is a new student who is a victim of bullying. She wants to destroy the Pyramid Game and reveal Baek Ha Rin’s secret. [Bona WJSN in Pyramid Game

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameBona WJSN in Pyramid Game (instagram.com/tving.official)

2. Myung Ja Eun (Ryu Da In) is rated F and is bullied. She is hated by Baek Ha Rin because of their complicated relationship in the past.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameRyu Da In at Pyramid Game (instagram.com/tving.official)

3. Im Ye Rim (Kang Na Eon) opposes the Pyramid Game. However, she couldn’t act because Baek Ha Rin knows her secret.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameKang Na Eon in Pyramid Game (instagram.com/tving.official)

4. Despite not liking Baek Ha Rin’s plan, Seo Do Ah (Shin Seul Ki) is forced to comply because her family needs connections.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameShin Seul Ki in Pyramid Game (instagram.com/tving.official)

5. Similarly, Kim Da Yeon’s (Hwang Hyun Jung) family needs the power of the Baek Ha Rin family to continue its business.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameHwang Hyun Jung at Pyramid Game (instagram.com/sulfur.hipipi1021)

6. Although a loyal follower, Baek Woo Yi (Ha Yul Ri) often annoys Baek Ha Rin and ends up being ostracized.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameHa Yul Ri in Pyramid Game (instagram.com/tving.official)

7. Yoon Ye Won (Lee Da Kyung) is the Pyramid Game programmer. However, she comes into conflict with Baek Ha Rin, who wants to leak the system.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameLee Da Kyung at Pyramid Game (instagram.com/da.kyung.lee)

8. Yoon Na Hee (Ahn So Yo) is the only teacher who opposes bullying in grades 2-5. However, she ended up being fired because she offended Baek Ha Rin.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameAhn So Yo at Pyramid Game (instagram.com/kkbyss)

9. Baek Hyun Joon (Kim Young Pil) and Choi Yi Hwa (Jung Ae Youn) are afraid of Baek Ha Rin, their own daughter. However, they couldn’t take action.

9 Characters Who Conflict With Baek Ha Rin In Pyramid GameKim Young Pil and Jung Ae Youn in Pyramid Game (instagram.com/jungaeyeun1982)

Baek Ha Rin is a powerful student who can do anything, including making her classmates victims of bullying. Nevertheless, she apparently has conflicts with several people because of the Pyramid Game. Do you think Baek Ha Rin can be defeated? Keep watching Pyramid Games, which airs every Thursday on VIU!

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