The struggles of Lee Ji Han (played by Moon Sang Min) in Wedding Impossible began in his childhood. After losing both parents, he was raised by his wealthy grandfather, Hyun Dae Ho (portrayed by Kwon Hae Hyo).
Despite his comfortable life, Lee Ji Han carries several burdens. Here are nine challenges he faces in Wedding Impossible:
1. Ji Han feels guilty for his involvement in his mother’s accident during his childhood.
2. His grandfather’s disdain makes Ji Han strive for acceptance.
3. Ji Han endeavors to establish recognition for himself and his brother, Lee Do Han (played by Kim Dowan), within the LJ Group.
4. To secure his brother’s future, Ji Han tries to keep Do Han away from his future fiancée, Na A Jung (portrayed by Jeon Jong Seo).
5. Ji Han competes with his half-brothers to ensure Do Han’s position in the company.
6. Despite falling for Na A Jung, Ji Han struggles to gain approval from his family.
7. Ji Han faces a scandal and works to salvage LJ Group’s reputation through a solo press conference.
8. To maintain his brother’s reputation, Ji Han hides his relationship with Na A Jung from the public.
9. Ji Han becomes a scapegoat for Na A Jung’s family, bearing the brunt of her grandfather’s anger.
Lee Ji Han shoulders these burdens alone, earning him the title of the backbone of Wedding Impossible. Many viewers empathize with the weight of his responsibilities. He strives to uphold his family’s honor, protect his brother’s identity, and rescue his beloved. Hopefully, Lee Ji Han will find a happy ending soon.